Chapter 3

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(Pic of Skylar wolf)

Skylar (pov)

Its been 3 days and so far I haven't had any nightmare. I got my full sleep. Which was good. I'm not a walking zombie.

I showered and did my morning routine. Honestly I'm ready to go home. Don't get me wrong Alpha Carter and Amina been nothing but great, but I'm bored outta my mind here.

I walked downstairs. Grab my breakfast and ate it. Amina doesn't come to the packhouse till noon. Cassie and Jess as well. They all got there own house. So I'm always bored or watching TV.

I'm currently watching Investigation discover, homicide hunter. This channel has to br my favorite. I mean yea it's sometime disturbing to watch, but it was interesting for me. Ping my phone went off.

Cody: hey

Me: heeeeeey, where are you guys?

Cody: training, we'll be done ina hour.

Me: hurry I'm getting so bored.

Cody: can't rush training.

I mean it's true. If it wasn't for the guys I'd go crazy. I cleaned up after myself. I think I'll go exploring outside. I need fresh air plus my wolf is begging to be let out.

Me: I'm gonna go for a run.

Cody: okay?

Me: I'm just letting you know in case I go missing you'll know. Please let my brother and everyone know I love them dearly.

Cody: your something else you know that.

I grin. 'Okaaay, you ready for a run? ' i ask my wolf. 'Ready? I've asked to be let out awhile ago.' My wolf reply.

I walk to ther woods, strip naked behind a tree. I let Amerie take over, I hear my bones cracking and canines come out. In seconds I was in my wolf form, my wolf is white with reddish fur mix in. We ran for I don't know an hour we found a beautiful lake. I lay my head on my paws and drifted off to sleep.

'Hello, i thought I stop by' The wolf with red eyes says. 'What do you want? Why do you keep popping in my dreams.' I asked getting annoyed. 'Uh uh uh, impatient aren't we. You'll find out soon enough, but until then RUN.' The red eye wolf said. I started running as fast as I can. Knowing nobody is here to wake me up. All I heard behind me was a sinster laugh, that to be honest scared me.

I woke up breathing heavily. I say there for a little to calm my nerves. Half an hour later, I started walking back to the packhouse. Ames?' I called out to my wolf. 'Yes' she replied. 'What was that about?' I question. 'I don't know Sky.' She replied. I rolled my eyes and continue walking.

"Hey, where were you?" Christian said as I walk in. "Out for a run, Ames needed it." I truthfully said. My brother nodded. Should I tell him? No it's best to keep it to myself for now. For all I know everything was just my imagination. "Hey Christian, when are we going home?" I asked. "We're having our last meeting tomorrow, we were waiting for a certain alpha." He said frustrated. I nodded. "Are you okay? You look pale!" I walk away. "I'm just tired, I'ma go take a nap." I said.

I went upstairs, not changing or anything, my mind drifted off to my dream, well in case nightmare. I just turned 18. I haven't even live life yet. Was it a warning? Am I gonna die or something. I groaned outloud. "Why me?" I yelled out frustrated.

I turn and look at my phone. New message.

Cody: hey me and a couple of people are sneaking to the human town and clubbing, Wanna come with?

Me: yesss! Please I need a drink.

Cody: okay meet you out back at 10pm.

Me: see you soon.

10 o'clock was here. I wore my tight black skinny jeans and a black crop top. I didn't have much options. Considering I didn't pack any going out clothes. But it'll do. I slowly open the door, the packhouse was quite. I sneak outback and see Cody waiting. "What took you so long?" He asked. "I'm not use to sneaking out in a different packhouse." I reply. He smiled. "Let's go, everyone is in the car waiting on us!" I nodded.

I was greeted by Luke, Gabe snd a female she wolf name Emma. We arrive at a club called 'wolverine' i rolled my eyes at the name. I walked in and grab a drink. Actually a couple drinks. Us wolves have high tolerance for alcohol. We need twice the drink to ger drunk. "Your not gonna get drunk that way, here give me your drink. " Cody said. I handed him my drink. He put some light purple liquid in it. Just a little bit.

"Did you just laced my drink? In front of me?" I question. Cody rolled his eyes. "It's a little wolfspane, not enough to kill you, but enough to get you drunk faster." He said, handing me my drink. I look at him in disbelief. "Relax it'll ware off in an hour or so." He continue. I just stared at him. "Fine, give it to me I'll drink it." He said. I put my hands up. "I trust you." I said drinking the whole drink in one gulp.

a couple minutes later, I took more shots. I was laughing and feeling good. Just then I heard my song play. I squealed grabbing Emma hands. "Lets go dance! I love this song!" We both hit the dance floor, singing to the song.

We dance and then an amazing smell it me, stopping me in my tracks. It smelt like a woodsy, morning dew smile. I turn around frantically looking for the source of the smell. But what I saw hit me like a ton of bricks. It was my mate kissing some hot mess bimbo. I mean really kissing, he haven't even notice me or at least my scent. I thought mates would notice it right away?

I mean that's what I heard. All these stories I hear about how you can smell your mate right away, you'll know cause only you can smell that smell. How you'll get lost in those eyes, and nobody else seems to be there, except for the two of you. How your heart beats faster then usual. How all you wanna do is kiss your mate.

Well my heart is beating faster, but i don't wanna kiss him. I actually wanna walk right up to him and punch him dead in the face. I mean sure we didn't know each other, but I'm not here sucking face with some random people. I made a disgusted face, turn back to Emma.

"Hey you okay?" Emma ask eyeballing me. "Yea why would you ask?" I respond. "Because you stop dancing and look away, now you turn back looking like your about to barf." I look at her. "To much to drink? I guess." I said more like a question. She laughed, and went back to dancing. I turn around and look one last time. Now there's 2 bimbo making out with him.

I shook my head, my wolf was crying inside. I could feel her pain. I wanted to cry with her. But I'm not gonna do that. Im not gonna him the satisfaction of me crying. Plus I didn't want a mate. Im still young. 'Yea keep telling yourself that' my wolf scoff. 'I will, he have no respect for us, even though he doesn't know us, he knew he has a mate out there Ames.' She went back to crying. I block her off.

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