Chapter 5

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Skylar (pov)

Well.. there you have it. My mate is officially an asshole. I walk back in, and guess what? The girls are both on his lap again, sucking his face. 'Mine as well just eat him,' I thought. Alpha Hems laugh outloud. Alpha Carter just turns and look at my mate. "Uhhh did I just say that outloud?" I ask no one in particular. Alpha Hems laugh got even louder, Causing me to awkwardly smile. Alpha Carter just shook his head. My mate seems to occupied with the girls to even hear me. I think.

I motion my head for alpha Carter to come over, but instead he looks at me with a confused face. I motion for him to come over again. "Sky, is something wrong with your neck?" He ask concern. "My neck? Oh, no I was calling you to come over. I know it's your night out with the boys, I don't wanna intrude, so how about I head back to the packhouse, I can find my way back!" I yelled out while running downstairs before he can say anything. But I did hear my name being called out as I was running out the door.

Okay stupid idea. I have no clue where I'm at... 'Ames do you remember which way to go?' I question my wolf. She stayed silent ignoring me. She's obviously still upset with me asking my mate to act like we've never met. Stupid wolf.

"Cody" i yelled outloud with a big smile. 'He'll know which way to get back.' I thought to myself. I grabbed my phone out my pocket. Great... it's dead. I must've walk for half an hour already. Shit. I was getting cold. I sure im lost. No thanks to my wolf.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I heard from behind me. I turned around. It was 3 guy's. Rogues. 'Fuck' I mentally cursed. "Hi guys. I'm gonna leave now." I said before turning around and running as fast as I can. 'Ames, now's the time to tell me which direction I need to go!' I screamed at her.

'Go left' she respond. I went in the direction I was told too. 'Sky you might wanna step on it. There right on our heels.' Amerie said. 'Im going as fast as I can' I shouted . 'Shift' I told her. 'I can't, not with that wolfspane still in your system,' she replied. 'What are we gonna do?' I asked. But before she can answer I was tackled down. "Ahhhh" I screamed hitting a tree.

I back up to a tree. "What do want!" I shouted. "Tsk, now now is that any way to speak to your soon to be mate." One of them said. My eyes widened. "Look I don't want no trouble." I said starting to panic. "Awww look at that boys we scared her." He said laughing. I was done with them at this point. I think i might've broken a rib. "You don't want to do this!" I said to them.

"Now why wouldn't wanna I wanna do this. Im sure you want it as much as I do. I mean why else is a she wolf walking alone 3 in the morning?" He said. "It's 3 AM? shit I gotta go. My brother is gonna kill me!" I say standing up. But was push back to the tree. "What you didn't think I'll just let you go do you? Your mine pretty she wolf." He said. I made a disgusted face.

'Open your mind link and call your brother' my wolf says. 'No way he'll kill me!' I yell back. My wolf rolled her eyes, 'better killed by Christian then these disgusting rogues!' I shut up, i hate it when she's right. I was about to open my mind link, Until someone grab my neck and started choking me.

You see just because I have alpha blood doesn't mean I'm strong. Christian was first born. He was the powerful one. To be honest, I barely train at all. I didn't even know the basic. I was grasping for air. I started clawing his arm, he finally let me go. I fell ti thr ground breathing heavily. Trying to catch my breath, and calming my nerves.

The guy then drags me by my hair, smacks me a couple times. 'You gotta try and run! They'll kill us!' My wolf said. 'Ames they're stronger then me. I'm scared.' I respond. He rip half of my shirt. I started pleading "stop, please" he just laugh. "It'll only hurt for a little." Just then an idea pop in my head. I look around and grab a handful of dirt. When he got close to me, I shoved the dirt in his eyes carrying causing him ti back up, I use that opportunity to kick him where the sun don't shine.

I got up and started running as I could. running like my life depended on it. Literally. 'Where almost there at alpha Carter border!' Right before I enter the border one of his minion clawed my shoulder. I screamed in agony! But kept running. Soon I was meet by I believe it was Noah. The beta! "Help me!" I yelled. He was by my side in instant. "Sky? What happen?" He question. I started sobbing uncontrollably.

He walk me towards the packhouse. "Please don't mention this to anyone." I pleaded, grabbing my bloody arm. "I have too. Those rogues was way to close to our territory." Beta Noah said. "Just say you spotted them close by. But don't mention anything about me. I don't want anyone worrying." I say. He sigh. "You need to check that cut out. How are you gonna explain that?" He ask. "I'm sure there's a first aid kit around plus my wolf will heal it soon enough." I reply. "Fine" he said. I smiled "thank you, thank you, thank you."

I walked through the back. Beta Noah said it'll be less noticeable. I creep through the packhouse and into my room. I washed the blood off. I saw the claw mark. Damn he really did a number on me. I changed into my pjs and wrap a bunch of toilet paper around my wound. I look at thr clock almost 4 a.m. I put my phone on the charger and slowly drifted off to sleep.

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