Chapter 27

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(Pic of Chrissy)

Skylar (pov)

We got to town in about 30 minutes. "We'll go to the supermarket first." Chrissy said. Even her voice was irritating me. Rose and I honestly did our own thing. "So Rose. Is there no guy that your interested in?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows up and down. "No. Everyone at the pack is either immature or just not my type." She reply. "What is your type?" I ask. "Someone that got it together. Preferably my mate." She said. "I mean there's no point falling in love with someone that isn't your mate. It'll just be messy at the end."

"If only everyone thought like you." I said shooting Chrissy a look. "Are you gonna help or just stand there and talk?" She snap. "Of course that's what the Luna is here for. To help." I fired back. "Here. Go to tools shop and get these items." She said handing the piece of paper and money to Rose. Good i wanted to be away from her anyways.  "Meet me back at the car in an hour. If your not there im leaving you here." She said walking off.

"Where's the tool shop?" I ask Rose. She shrugs. "I don't know." I'm not gonna go back and ask  Sneaky Chrissy. "We can ask someone." I said walking. "Excuse me sir can direct us to the tool shop here?" I ask a guy. He stares at me. Then pointed towards a shop. I thank him. "That was weird." Rose said. "Yea." I agree. We handed the man the piece of paper. He grab all the items. I handed him the money. We walk back to the car. "Hey Cliff,  here's some stuff you can load up." I said to the guard that came with us. "We'll be back." I said to cliff he nodded.

"Where are we going?" Rose ask. "To get your alpha something." I reply. "Why?" She ask. "His birthday is in 5 days." I respond thinking of what to get him. "what does he like?" Rose question me. "I don't know." I replied. "Maybe a cologne? Watch? Shirt?"she suggested. "No. It should be meaningful." I reply. "Then you won't find it here." She mumbles. She was right. "Can we at least look at some clothes?" She squealed "yes"

We tried on so many outfit. That we lost track of time. "Hey Sky?" Rose called out. "Hmmm" i answered. "How long have we've been here?" Rose ask. My eyes grew wide. "Shit" i cursed grabbing Rose hands. We ran to where the car was. But it wasn't there. "She really fuckin left us." I said outloud. "What are we going to do?" Rose ask. "Walk home?" I said more like a question. "Sky it's getting late. The sun looks like it's about to set pretty soon."  Rose said nervously.

I look at her "Rose. Have no fear Sky is here." I said in my superhero pose. "Yea. Yea. Let's start walking." She said walking pass me. "Wait for me." I yelled catching up to her. We walk in through the quiet woods. "Rose are we lost?" I ask her. "No. I don't think so."she said scratching her head in frustration. 'Ames lead the way'  I said to my wolf.  'Go stright for about 3 miles, then make a right.' Ames directed me.

"My wolf said to walk stright for another 3 miles then make a right." I told Rose. "Thank the goddess for your wolf. Cause my wolf isn't so good with direction. You see I never really left the packhouse, unless it was with Sean or melissa." Rose said. "Really? There's so much to see Rose!" I shouted. She laugh. We mate a right and continue walking. "How long?" Rose said wiping the sweat off her head. "She said 7 miles i groaned. "Should we just shift in our wolf form." I ask. "No. We will rip our clothes. "We can tie them around ankle." I suggested. "Okay, but what about our phone? Wont we drop it." She ask.

"Yes probably. Most likely." I reply. 'Sky stop!' My wolf screamed at me. 'Why?' I ask. 'Because we're not alone.' She respond. 'Yea, Rose is with us too.'I said laughing. 'No Sky.' She said more serious. "Rose stop." I whispered yell. She raised an eyebrow at me.  "Rogues." I whispered. She bend down next to me.  "Where?" She ask nervously. "I'm not sure. But I can smell them." I replied. 

Then my eyes widened. It was the same the rogues from the last time. My hands started shaking. "Rose we need to get out of here." I said sternly.  "How?" She question. "I-I don't know." I said stuttering.  "Are you sure they came this way." The rogue that tried to rape me say. While turning around walking thr opposite direction.  Seeing his face brought back those memories from that night. I didn't realize I was crying till Rose ask me "Sky are you okay?" I nodded. "Lets keep walking quietly." I stated.

Just then we heard "their scent is strong thus way." One of them said. "Run. Run as fast as you can." I said too.'I Rose. We ran "Skylar I'm scared." She stated choking up. "Mind Kieran now!" I said stopping. "Why are you stopping." She ask "I'll buy us some time. Hurry Rose. Tell him it's the rogue that tried.... to rape me. Go and shift into your wolf." I whispered. She had tears in her eyes. I couldn't let anything happen to her. After all I was the one that drag her come with me to the store.

"Little mate where are you." The big rogue said. I was ducked down behind a tree. Please moon goddess help me. I thought. "You guys go north." The big guy said. No that's where Rose was.  "What is it that you want!" I shouted coming out from behind the tree. "You were right it is her! Just my luck." He said walking towards me. I shifted to my wolf and ran the opposite the direction of Rose. They too also shifted, but because I was smaller I had an advantage of being faster. Only problem is I'm running further away from the pack.

'Why does the bad shit always happen to me.' I thought.  'Cause you never listen Sky. You should've just stayed at the car and waited.' My wolf yelled at me. 'Ames now isn't the time too find my flaws.' I yelled at her. Just after saying that I got the wind knock out of me. The was a big brown wolf in front of me. I growled standing up. But before he can attack me something attack him.

With my werewolf eyesight enhance I saw what look to be a human. A very pale human. He had the wolf by the throat and snap. He threw the wolf body like a rag doll. He look at the other 2 wolf who was ready to attack. 'Skylar I'd take thst opportunity to RUN!' My wolf screamed at me. I ran. Then bump into something. The smell hit me like a dead skunk. Litreally. It smelt like death with blood. I look up in my wolf form.

"Skylar. It's nice to finally meet you. To bad we won't get to be dreams friends anymore." He said circling me. I tilted my head. 'What is he talking about?' I asked my wolf who's growling nonstop. "You must be confused since I haven't visit you lately. In your dreams." He said. 'But what? How?  My dream was about a red eye wolf. Not a -' I was cut off by my wolf Ames. 'vampire.'  She said.

Vampire? This red eye's wolf dream thing is really beginning to confused me. "Shit" he yelled.

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