Chapter 9

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(Pic of Christian)

Skylar (pov)

"How can you be so reckless, careless. Just out right dumb!" My brother Christian yelled at me. I glared at him. He could've wait tok everyone left to yell at me. "You serious? It's not like I fuckin ask them to attack me. Stop treating me like I'm some kid. I don't want to speak to you right now. Actually anyone. Can you all leave?" I ask upset. They all nodded. Your brother didn't mean that he's just upset At the mome-" Nessa said before I cut her off. "Ness please. I don't wanna hear it. I wanna be alone." My voice cracking, and eyes started getting blurry.

I turned around crying in silent. "You okay?" My mate ask coldly. I didn't need his pity.  "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed getting irritated at everything. "Fine." Kieran said walking out. 'You shouldn't be mad at mate' my wolf Amerie said. 'Ames I just wanna be alone  so that includes you too' I said blocking her.

A few minutes after. I heard my mate voice. "Don't you ever disrespect her again. Cause the next time you talk to my mate like that, you'll deal with me!" He roared out. "Don't fuckin tell me what to do with my sister! Just because your her mate don't mean a thing to me!" Christian yelled out. "Guys calm down," alpha Carter said. "I'm telling you pull that shit again and I'll rip your fuckin throat out!" My mate shot back. "I'd like to see you try." I hear my brother said.

I smiled at the thought of my mate defending me, but it was cut short by yelling, and things breaking. I grunted and roll over to the side, sit up for a few seconds. I got up pulling the IV out of my left arm, walk to the door and opened it. I see alpha  Carter grabbing my mate holding him back. While Alpha Hems was holding my brother back. Amina was massaging her temple. Nobody even notice I was standing at the door.

"STOP!! I was trying to rest! But how am I supposed to do that with both of you fighting!" I yelled. Everyone stops. "Oh my gosh, you shouldn't be up." Amina said walking towards me. "Kieran stop threatening my brother!" I said, causing Christian to smirk. "Christian stop testing Kirean!" I said turning around slamming the door. Maybe that'll shut them up. I layed back down and fell asleep.

I was awaken by someone touching my arms. I opened my eyes to see an older man. I back up a little.  "Sorry miss. Didn't mean to startle you. I'm Joey Waters the pack doctor here at Black Beast." He stated proudly. "Oh" was my brilliant introduction. "I was just examining your arm, seem's like your ready to be discharged." He said writing something down.

I nodded. "Thank you doctor Waters. My name is Skylar Amerie Hawthorn from the Blue Creek pack." I said smiling. "Your welcome, and I know who you are, I think everyone in this hospital know who you are Sky. Between your brother and Alpha Jones fighting, I'd be more surprised if people didn't know who you were." Doctor Waters said. Which made me smile awkwardly. "I'm sorry I'll make sure I drag them out with me." How embarrassing.

I walk out with doctor Waters. I see my mate sitting on one side of ther waiting room glaring at my brother whos on the other end of the room. They were both shooting daggers at each other. "Alpha's.. Sky is healed and ready to go." He said beside me. "Again thank you doctor Waters." I said hugging him goodbye. He seem surprised at first, but he gave me a quick hug back.

I walk out the pack hospital. I stretch my arms over my head, and took a deep breath. It was dark already. I see Ness running towards me. "your brother mind link me you were coming out." She said hugging me. "Yea my wolf made a full recovery." I said letting her go. She smiled and look behind me and frown. I look back at what made her frown. Which made me instantly frown as well. Kieran and Christian were still in a glare off. I shook my head, and put my arms around Ness shoulder. "Let go back to the packhouse. Im starving!" I said. She chuckled.

We walk into the packhouse kitchen. There was leftover from dinner.  I was only in the infirmary for a couple of hours, but it felt like days. I was starving.  I drooled a little but at what ness warmed up. "Wow, maybe it's because I'm hungry but this taste delicious." I said with my mouth full of food. "Don't talk with your mouth full Sky, it isn't lady like." She says. "Lady like smady like. Whoever told you I was a lady? I'm practically a guy!" I said taking another bite of the spaghetti.

My mate scent hit me and I instinctively look at my mate with a mouth full of spaghetti. I must've look like a chipmunk. I look away and slowly chewed what was in my mouth before stuffing another fork full of spaghetti.

"Sky we need talk." My brother said. I nodded my head, but continue eating. "It's family business Kieran, so if you could leave. That'll be great." My brother said sarcastically. I turn my head towards Kieran, again with spaghetti in my mouth. "Well whatever you have to say to my mate, you can say it in front of me as well brother." He said with a fake smile. I started choking on my spaghetti.

I took a sip of water. Then glared at both of them. "Can't a girl eat in freakin peace!" I yelled out. "Seriously I'm so sick of both of you fighting all damn day. Your worst then two kids fighting over a candy. I finally get my appetite back, and was enjoying my food until you both wanna start acting like a bunch of little kids!" I shouted grabbing my food out the kitchen. I'll finish it in my room.

I finish my food. Walk downstairs and wash my plate and cup. I turn around and someone put there hands over my mouth and shush me. He let go of his hands, "Cody what the fuck man. You scared me half to death dude." I whispered yell. He chuckled quietly. "Hey are you okay. I saw alpha Jones carry out the packhouse this afternoon. I text you but you never respond." He says walking with me outside.

I sat down on the back porch. Cody sat beside me. "Sorry" I said explaining to him last night event.  "I'm sorry Sky. It was my fault." He said in a hurt tone. I laughed out loud. "Why are you laughing?" He ask. "How is this your fault? You didn't make me go with you. You didn't ask those rogues to hurt me. I did everything because I wanted too. So no one is to blame except for me and maybe those rogues." I said.

He smiled and look at me. "Thanks for saying that." He said.  I nudge his shoulder with mines. "I'm serious, it's not your fault." We both started laughing. "You know one time Amina snuck out with me and alpha Carter thought we had a thing going on?" I turn and look at him in shock. "WHAT!!!" I ask. He nodded. "He was so mad you should've seen him." He said. I shook my head. "Wow" i said laughing.

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