Chapter 12

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Skylar (pov)

"Sorry we're late." Kieran said walking in. I peek from behind Kieran. "Yeah sorry times fly when your out with your wolf." I said emerging from behind Kieran. "It's okay we're barely setting up." Cassie reply. I turn around and glared at Kieran. "What!" He said. "I think I had enough time to at least change." I whispered. He shrug his shoulder.

"I gotta go speak to Kingston. I'll be back." Kieran said. I gave him a nod. "Hey wanna help us set up." Amina ask. "Yes, of course." I grab plates and started placing it on the table. "So how is your relationship with Kieran?" Cassie whispered, while Amina wiggle her eyebrows up and down next to me. I shake my head laughing. "What are you talking about?  We just met. Nothing is 'up'." I said.

We all sat down for dinner. It was going pretty good so far. We all ate and converse. Kieran stood up. "I wanna thank Kingston for your hospitality here." Kieran said.  "This isn't goodbye,  but a simple see you later." He continued.  Everyone cheered to that. Before i know it we were saying our goodbyes.

"I'll see you soon"Amina said hugging me. "Tell me if my brother causes you any troubles, your got my number. " Cassie whispered. We got into thr SUV and started driving off. It finally sunk in. Im leaving to another pack and becoming Luna. Just 2 weeks ago I thought im just visiting Amina and her pup. But now im leaving with my mate to his territory. Life can be so unexpected.

We were in complete silence. Considering how awkward it was getting in the car I decided to pop in my headphones and listen to some music. After a couple of songs my eyes started getting droopy. I click my cellphone on. It was close to 12 midnight. "How long until we get there?" I asked yawning. "About morning if we don't stop." Kieran answer.

Gosh I guess we're not stopping. I yawn again. I listen to a couple more songs before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

'Hello? Where the heck am I?' I said. 'Long time no see!' I heard. Oh no not right now. I'm having one of those weird nightmare again. I thought I was over thst phase. 'What do you want with me?' I question looking around. "Now is that any way to speak to your friend?' The voice said. 'Friend? Since when were we friends?' I ask. 'Since we were playing tag in Kingston territory!'  My eyes widened.

'What? We never played anything! What the hell do you want with me!' I screamed out. 'Of course we did. Remember I was chasing you from the lake? Don't tell me you forgot our encounter.' He said laughing. At this point i was getting nervous, you know that nervous you get when you feel like throwing up.

'Don't worry next time we'll get you, and nobody will be able to help you.' The voice said. 'You know you really shouldn't be telling me your plans. Now I know better then to go out by myself.' I said smiling with my arms folding across my chest. 'You stupid vile child, you think it's a game?' He asked with an annoyed tone. I rolled my eyes. 'Clearly you thought it was a game, didn't a minute ago you say we were playing a game of tag? Well guess what 'friend' i think i won.

I had no clue where the confidence came. I was feeling like I had to throw up a minute ago. 'Silence you stupid girl. You have no idea who your taunting! I'll teach you a lesson!' He yelled out clearly irritated! This is the part I start running! Just as I predicted the black wolf with red eyes chase me! He slammed me to a tree. Which knock my breath out. Then out of no where i felt my throat constricted. I couldn't breath.

Kieran (pov)

Skylar fell asleep a couple of minutes after she ask me the question. "Hey Sean. I'm gonna take a little rest. If you need anything don't hesitate to wake me up." I said to my driver who was also my trusted pack member.  "Sure thing alpha." Sean repond. I check my mate one last time. Seeing that she was asleep I closed my eyes to rest as well. It was gonna be along drive.

It must've been 20 minutes in and I was awaken by Skylar. She was mumbling incoherently, tossing and turning. "What the hell do you want with me!" She screamed.  "Sky." I said loudly. She started sweating profusely and panting hard, which made me nervous. "SKYLAR!!" I yelled. "Pull the car over she's not breathing!" I yelled over to Sean.  He pulled over and ran out.

"Alpha what's going on!" He asked concern. I shook my head "i don't know." I respond. A couple more of my pack members came from the SUV that was behind us. Come on im not stupid enough to travel with just one member.  "Alpha!" They asked. "SKYLAR WAKE UP!" I kept shouting while shaking her vigorously.

"Alpha she isn't breathing." One of my pack member say. "Skylar this isn't funny wake up!" I yelled once again. "Alpha I don't think she's playing" Sean said with concern. Everyone there knew she was my mate, the luna, I can see everyone starting to panick. I look at my mate who looks lifeless. Her heartbeat was beating still but lowly.

I layed my mate flat on the seat and started doing what anyone would do CPR. I put my hands on her chest and giving her chest compressions and then I look at her. 'Don't get mad at me im saving your life.' I thought to myself. Open her mouth and started giving her mouth to mouth. As soon as my lips hits hers there were sparks flying throughout my body. I've never felt this feeling before. It was like fireworks around me and my my cold heart felt something again. 

'Now's not the time to enjoy this!' My wolf Atlas said. He was right. I went back to chest compressions. Right before I was about to mouth to mouth her Sky eyes shot open. She started breathing heavily. I slowly help her up. Someone handed her a bottle of water. She took it snd guzzled it down. Her hands went to her neck. I look at it. It was slightly red as if someone was choking her.

After a few minutes i asked her "what the jerk just happened?" She look at me, shocked written all over her face. "What did just happen?" She asked. I raised an eyebrow up. "Skylar you almost died. What game are you fucking playing!" I roared out furious at that thought of her trying to kill herself. "First of all I'm not playing a fuckin game. Second of all I don't even know what happen?" She said, but somehow I didn't believe she didn't know.

"Fine when we get back to the territory your seeing a doctor." I said "everyone let's get go." I stated annoyed. "Wait!" We turn and look at my mate. "Thank you all for your concern. I'm sorry if I caused any trouble." She said looking down to her lap.  "It's fine as long as your okay Luna." Sean replied. My mate shot up and look at him. "Umm can you just call me Sky?" She ask. Everyone that was there look at me for my consent. I nodded. "Sure Lun- I mean Sky" Sean said, along with everyone agreeing.

Something was up with my mate first there was some weird thing chasing her, now this. I'll get to the bottom of it. Mark my words.

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