SCP-597 - The Mother

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Item #: SCP-597

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Item #: SCP-597

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-597 is to be guarded and researched by a rotating monthly shift. Those in charge of the design of the containment procedures are not allowed contact with the SCP; if at all possible this duty should be left to overseer level personnel. No one is to be allowed to view (on video or through a window) or be in the same room as SCP-597 for longer than five hours. Maintenance personnel are to alternate every day.

Evaluations are to be given at the end of the shift or whenever mental distress seems obvious. If psychological contamination is too great and poses a tangible danger, termination can be performed immediately by the on-site analyst. (The mental health offices are soundproofed for this purpose.) The doctor can terminate up to ten individuals at a time; any more requires the approval of an overseer. In this scenario, procedure 597-32 (Weaning the Babies) is to be activated. Vents in the ceiling require regular maintenance for this purpose.

Smoke detectors are not to be turned off for any reason; candles and incense lit in 597's cell are to be taken as an indication of a dangerous obsession. The leaving and offering of food, as 597 does not require it, is to be viewed in the same light as well. All other signs of unnatural love and religious awe are to be reported along with these.

The room and the surrounding area are to be sealed, with ventilation shafts, plumbing, and wiring checked daily. Measures are to be put into place for the continuous extermination of all vermin in the facility. Animals not part of the study found suckling on SCP-597 are to be removed and terminated as soon as possible due to risk of biological contamination. Because of this, in the morning, workers must wear Hazmat suits while entering the cell, for SCP-597 is often covered in vermin, including mice, opossums, squirrels, and bats.

597 is to be hosed down weekly, with special care given to the areas around the nipples, to prevent the buildup of saliva and drool. Those suckling need washing daily, as does the floor underneath them, for the removal of the puddles of urine, feces (for the first few days, but when solids completely leave the body this is no longer necessary, although occasionally a thin watery substance is excreted), and vomit, which is produced when they drink too eagerly, quickly, or out of rhythm. The cleaning products are to be plain and unscented (use of aromatics or herbal oils will be noted) and no scrubbing is to be done by hand.

Description: SCP-597 is a blob of flesh approximately 5.8m (19ft) high, and 10.67m (35ft) wide, although this measurement changes slightly when it moves, or the substances expand and ripple. All over its body, mostly located on its rolls, are hundreds and hundreds of teats, of various colors and sizes. Whenever a mammal is released into its cell, it will be drawn to the corresponding teat for its species and then proceed to suckle as long as they are unimpeded. The milk released will be identical in every way to the makeup of the subject's mother's, although able to sustain the subject's nutritional needs indefinitely. While the fluid is the same as normal milk chemically, for some reason, whether it be an effect of the SCP or an unknown quality of the substances it excretes, any full-grown mammal that would normally require more can survive to the end of their normal lifespan give or take a few years, simply by suckling at the nipple, although their teeth will fall out, their muscle will atrophy due to lack of use (the subjects will curl up as close as possible on the side, lay under the SCP [there have been reports of suffocation], or immerse themselves and dive into the flesh itself) and stomach problems are presented because of the all-liquid diet.

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