SCP-1879 - Indoor Salesman

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Item #: SCP-1879

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to the nature of the anomaly, SCP-1879 cannot be contained by the Foundation at this time. Foundation agents are to monitor police reports within the state of Washington for signs of possible SCP-1879 infection. When an instance of SCP-1879-1 is found, MTF Rho-4 (aka "Shoos Salesmen") are to be dispatched to the location to deal with SCP-1879-1 at the minimum possible cost to those involved. All items obtained from these interactions are to be incinerated, if feasible, and dismantled if not. Civilians that come in contact with SCP-1879-2 are to be administered Class-A amnestics after Foundation questioning.

Description: SCP-1879 is a phenomenon that affects houses in the state of Washington, USA. It has been noted to only affect interior doors, which are hereby designated SCP-1879-1. These doors are visually unchanged; however, when a sapient organism comes within 2m of an SCP-1879-1 instance, repeated knocking emanates from the object. This continues indefinitely until a subject opens the door. At this point, a male humanoid entity, hereby designated as SCP-1879-2, will emerge from the SCP-1879-1 instance. The entity is approximately 1.7m in height and appears to be of Caucasian descent and indeterminate age.

After emerging from the door, SCP-1879-2 will attempt to sell a product to the subject. These products appear to vary widely in purpose and origin, as the entity has presented a variety of objects. The entity will dramatically explain the purpose and appeal of the product to the subject, often cornering them or suggesting they sit down before doing so. The explanations and tactics utilized are often not particularly persuasive, and the entity uses underhanded methods to sell its product. After fully explaining, the entity will then offer a price. Said price rarely consists of currency and often is detrimental to the subject or the subject's health. The entity consistently refuses to elaborate or comment on the definition of its prices unless it decides to raise them, which it often does if the product is not accepted and paid for quickly. SCP-1879-2 is persistent in its efforts and refuses to leave the subject alone until the product is purchased. However, if it is sufficiently threatened or wounded, the entity will temporarily retreat back into SCP-1879-1, which will then revert back into a non-anomalous door. It will later return within the same house via a different door and confront the subject, attempting more aggressively or even threatening them to purchase their product, as well as increasing the price. Once the product is purchased, the entity will thank the subject and exit the area through an SCP-1879-1 instance.

Retrieval Log-1879-Rho: The following log is a short list of items obtained from deals with SCP-1879-2 along with the described price and the results.

Object Received:
Price Statement:

Object Received: One (1) red rose
Price Statement: "All I'm asking for is your heart."
Results: Subject expired due to the demanifestation of his cardiovascular system.

Object Received: Two hundred and twenty (220) bananas
Price Statement: "Gimme some sugar, sweetie."
Results: All candied goods within the house disappeared.

Object Received: One (1) thermonuclear explosive
Price Statement: "I want your soul."
Results: Subject hesitantly complied after encouragement. No notable effects happened at the scene of the exchange; however, the subject later discovered two (2) of her Aretha Franklin albums (Lady Soul and Almighty Fire) to be missing.

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