SCP-3003 - The End Of History

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Item #: SCP-3003

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Item #: SCP-3003

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Personnel with appropriate clearance may view Document 3003-NRK (attached) to access SCP-3003's containment directive and plans for future containment.

Samples of SCP-3003-1 and -2 are kept at Biological Research Area-12, along with several other species from SCP-3003.

SCP-3003-3 has agreed to designate one group, the Earth Contact and Research Committee, as the primary point of contact for the Foundation. SCP-3003-3 has further agreed only to operate portals to SCP-3003 at any of several Foundation-specified sites. In return, the Foundation has designated the SCP-3003 Working Group as SCP-3003-3's primary point of contact, and has agreed to make all efforts necessary to prepare Earth for the introduction of SCP-3003-1. No efforts to spread SCP-3003-1 are, in fact, being made.

SCP-3003-3 must be made to believe that Earth is contaminated by an unknown agent that renders SCP-3003-1 sterile and Earth-native humans incapable of hosting SCP-3003-1. The introduction of the concept of deceit to SCP-3003-3 is forbidden, either directly or by deceiving a member of SCP-3003-3 under circumstances where the lie could be easily discovered.

Mobile Task Force Samekh-7 is tasked with incorporation into SCP-3003-3-operated research projects in order to delay research, falsify information about Earth, and perform covert research into SCP-3003-4. Several members are additionally conducting anthropological research into SCP-3003-3. See MTF Samekh-7 charter for further details. Members of SCP-3003-3 integrated into Foundation-operated research projects must be monitored closely and are not permitted to leave Foundation sites or access unauthorized depictions of human society.

Protocols described in Preventing the Spread of Non-Anomalous Invasive Species During Interplanetary Contact, Third Edition must be followed by all parties when SCP-3003-4 is active.

Disinformation protocols are set in place to propagate the belief among the scientific community that HIP 56948 has no planetary system.

Description: SCP-3003 is an Earth-sized planet orbiting HIP 56948, a G-type main sequence star located 208 light years from Earth. Several anomalies of note are located on SCP-3003, and have been given appropriate sub-designations.

SCP-3003-1 is a beetle-like organism native to SCP-3003 that parasitizes humans when infected by SCP-3003-2.SCP-3003-2 is an amoeba-like microorganism that infects humans and SCP-3003-1, affecting the behavior of both.SCP-3003-3 is a technologically advanced civilization on SCP-3003, composed of SCP-3003's entire native population of thirty billion humans. All are parasitized by SCP-3003-1.SCP-3003-4 is a device that enables the creation of a traversable portal between SCP-3003 and Earth.

The components of SCP-3003 are described in further detail below.


SCP-3003 is 3% heavier than Earth, has a rotational period of 30 hours, and orbits HIP 56948 at a distance of 0.9 AU. The range of temperatures on the surface is comparable to that of earth, with the majority of the planet's landmass (comprising 40% of the total surface area) supporting extensive habitation by SCP-3003-1 and -3. Most of the remainder of SCP-3003's surface has been altered to support SCP-3003-1 and -3, either directly or indirectly.

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