SCP-2059 - Wall of Flesh

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A close-up of SCP-2059's sensory organ

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A close-up of SCP-2059's sensory organ.

Item #: SCP-2059

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2059 is to be contained within a modified containment area designed for Class-IV Hostile Amorphous Entities. The unit must comprise a shaft, 40m deep and 15m in diameter, composed of high-gloss steel plating. This plating is to be replaced as need be to maintain a fine polish throughout. The opening of this shaft is to be covered with a shock-proof plexiglass plate that can be removed remotely. Additionally, the containment unit is to be equipped with necessary video and audio surveillance equipment, as well as a speaker system in order to facilitate communication with SCP-2059-1.

Description: SCP-2059 is an autonomous and sentient mass of flesh, bones and organs. The entire mass is seemingly dominated by a large yellow sensory organ that does not correspond to that of any known species. The organ resembles an eye in composition, but further study has shown that it is capable of detecting infrared radiation and heat signatures. SCP-2059 appears capable of rearranging itself at will, but normally it follows a usual composition: the exterior is smooth flesh covering a grid of bones that protect vital organs and brain tissue in the center of the mass. SCP-2059 does not require extraneous sustenance. Any living creature touching SCP-2059 will be absorbed into its mass, but keratinous material (skin, hair and nails) is discarded. At the time of writing, SCP-2059 consists of:

1 blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)1 giant squid of unknown species2 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)Several specimens of various livestockApprox. 30 human beings1 dead human being, in advanced stages of decompositionSeveral specimens of various household petsApprox. 300 rodentsAn undetermined amount of insects

SCP-2059 has a tendency of attempting to fill a space completely if it is confined in one. This is assumed to be to help it retain cohesiveness.

SCP-2059 exhibits highly aggressive behaviour towards all human and animal life; it will attempt to either kill or assimilate any organisms on sight. While in a passive state, SCP-2059 is usually gathered on the bottom of its containment, with most of its mass pressed against one of the corners.

Despite SCP-2059 having multiple sets of vital organs, it does not appear to be using most of them; PET tracer scans have shown that almost 85% of all organs within SCP-2059 are inactive and unused. See Interview Log 2059-02 for more information.

Addendum 2059-01: On █/██/20██, a verbal connection was made with an individual within SCP-2059. This individual is hereby referred to as SCP-2059-1. The following is an audio transcript of the event.

Interviewed: SCP-2059-1

Interviewer: Dr. N█████

Foreword: Transcript of initial contact; Dr. N█████ was assigned to supervise SCP-2059. SCP-2059-1's speech has been translated from Hindi.

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