Individuals of SCP-1355-1, amongst identical storage boxes.
An example of a camera malfunction believed to occur when SCP-1355-1 is in motion.
Item #: SCP-1355
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: The property surrounding SCP-1355 is currently under Foundation management, and is to remain fenced off under the guise of an ongoing renovation. A security perimeter patrolled by guards is to be maintained at all times. Any civilians attempting to approach SCP-1355 are to be turned away under the pretense of keeping the renovation site clear.
As SCP-1355 possesses no windows and equipment installed in SCP-1355 periodically malfunctions, the building is to be remotely monitored using thermal imaging. Due to the results of Incident 1355-1-23, as part of safety measure 1355-A23 electricity is provided to the building. All lights within SCP-1355 are to remain on for twelve hours each day, operated by a switchbox located outside SCP-1355.
A population count of SCP-1355-1 is to be carried out weekly.
Description: SCP-1355 is a one-story building located in the old ██████ █████ school district of █████, ██████████. Records recovered from the city's archives list the building as an elementary school scheduled for renovation. When initial investigations were carried out by the Foundation, SCP-1355 was being used as a temporary book storage site. As such, furnishings within SCP-1355 consist primarily of tables, small chairs, and numerous stacks of boxes containing textbooks.
SCP-1355 is believed to be inhabited by a colony of life forms, designated as SCP-1355-1. Individuals of SCP-1355-1 are believed to be visually indistinguishable from the textbook-containing boxes stored in SCP-1355. Thermal imaging has revealed that individuals of SCP-1355-1 possess a thermal signature similar to that of humans; however, the signature dissipates while SCP-1355-1 is in motion. Attempts to capture a specimen of SCP-1355-1 have failed.
Subjects who encounter SCP-1355-1 report hearing multiple voices, often described as "beautiful" and singing a song familiar to the subject. The music of SCP-1355-1 is observed to induce a sense of calmness in subjects. (See logs for further details; in lieu of interviews, a simple written questionnaire was provided to each subject.)
SCP Foundation Manuscript
Ciencia FicciónThe SCP (Secure. Contain. Protect.) Foundation Manuscript brings all discovered SCP findings from the laboratory to the internet for public use. Classified information is to be censored by the manuscript with the request of the foundation. THIS MANU...