Mr. Forgetful - SCP-909

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Item #: SCP-909

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Item #: SCP-909

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-909 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. No writing materials are to be allowed inside the cell. A short summary of SCP-909's current situation is to be pasted on the wall beside the bed. Extras are to be provided if the previous summary is removed by SCP-909. SCP-909 is to be fed three times daily with any peanut-free meal. If SCP-909 is seen attempting to write or draw, he is to be incapacitated through non-lethal means.

Currently experimentation with SCP-909's effects has been discontinued, due to risk of containment breach. Research may be conducted if the current Site Director's approval is given.

As of current regulations on "Misters", SCP-909 is to be contained in Hall ██ of Site-██.

Description: SCP-909 appears to be a young adult Caucasian male suffering from permanent anterograde amnesia. SCP-909 seems to be aware of his condition but cannot recall experiences past this, aside from memories gained due to SCP-909's effects.

SCP-909's anomalous effects become apparent when it writes down any of the experiences still in its working memory. When described through writing, experiences immediately enter SCP-909's long term memory. However, the experience disappears from the memory of all other persons involved.

SCP-909 is allergic to peanuts and will go into anaphylactic shock following the ingestion of any peanut products.

SCP-909 was discovered at Entrance [EXPUNGED] of Site-██.

Addendum 909-1: The words "Mr. Forgetful, from Little Misters ® by Dr. Wondertainment" are tattooed upon SCP-909's right calf. Upon discovery SCP-909 had been wearing a 3-piece suit with the brand name "Doctor's Orders" sewn into the tag. Foundation personnel have yet to find a clothing company operating under this name.

Addendum 909-2: Further examination of SCP-909's clothing revealed a list of other possible instances of anomalous humanoids similar to SCP-909 (See Document 909-a) inside the left pants pocket.

Addendum 909-3: Interview Log

Interviewed: SCP-909

Interviewer: Dr. ███████████

Foreword: SCP-909 was put into initial observation for seven hours, during which the subject's anterograde amnesia and relation to were discovered. SCP-909 was then taken in for interview.

<Begin Log>

Dr. ███████████: Good morning, Nine-Oh-Nine.

SCP-909: Nine-Oh-Nine? Why are you calling me that? And where am I, anyways?

Dr. ███████████: (Reading from sheet of paper) You are the SCP designated 909, and you are currently under my custody. I am a doctor of the Foundation, and I am going to research your anomalous effects.

SCP-909: The Foundation? What's that? Why d-

NOTE: At this point Dr. ███████████ presses a small button, generating a loud noise lasting 5 seconds. SCP-909 is seen to lose focus.

Dr. ███████████: Hello, Nine-Oh-Nine.

SCP-909: Nine-Oh-Nine? Why are you calling me that? And where am I, anyways?

Dr. ███████████: (Reading from sheet of paper) You are the SCP designated 909, and you are currently under my custody. I am a Doctor of The Foundation, and I am going to research your anomalous effects.

SCP-909: The Foundation? Wha-

Dr. ███████████: Okay, let's try something else. Write down what I just told you.

SCP-909: Alright. (SCP-909 accepts the pen and stationery and proceeds to write.)

NOTE: Later investigation of Dr. ███████████'s notes showed that he had planned to press the button previously mentioned at this point.

Dr. ███████████: (Brief pause) Hey, who are you?

SCP-909: I'm the, uh, SCP under your custody. Don't you remember?

Dr. ███████████: Huh?

SCP-909: Don't you remember?

Dr. ███████████: No. Where am I? What is this place?

<End Log>

Closing Statement: Dr. ███████████ and SCP-909 were removed from the room amid confusion from all personnel involved in the incident. SCP-909 later explained the situation to uninvolved personnel and was placed in his holding cell. Dr. ███████████ was discharged from duty and given a Class-B amnesiac.

Addendum 909-2:

Wow! You've just found yourself your very own Little Mister, a limited edition collection from Dr. Wondertainment!

Find them all and become Mr. Collector!!

1. Mr. Chameleon 

2. Mr. Headless

3. Mr. Laugh

4. Mr. Forgetful /

5. Mr. Shapey

6. Mr. Soap

7. Mr. Hungry

8. Mr. Brass

9. Mr. Hot

10. Ms. Sweetie

11. Mr. Life and Mr. Death

12. Mr. Fish

13. Mr. Moon

14. Mr. Redd (Discontinued)

15. Mr. Money

16. Mr. Lost

17. Mr. Lie

18. Mr. Mad

19. Mr. Scary

20. Mr. Stripes

Addendum 909-3: The document shown was in the possession of SCP-909. SCP-905 states that it "lost its copy in the breeze", SCP-913 apparently ingested its own copy. SCP-917 had held a similar list which can be found in Document 917-a. SCP-920 claims to have misplaced its copy. - Dr. ███████████

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