Part 6

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Harry called me to his office, I'm guessing it has something to do with the files he kept from Mathis.

Harry: Orthrus have a seat.

"What do you want?"

Harry: I've been looking at these and it seems your company is shut down for a good reason.

"Why's that?"

Harry: Killing anyone who failed seems a bit drastic.

"He wanted the best."

Harry: You know I've looked for more information about you and to my surprise there's nothing.

"Why would that be surprising?"

Harry: Well you had to come from somewhere. So where did you live before Argus?

"Don't know."

Harry: Okay, how did Argus find you?

"Don't know. I just remember walking out from a room with severe pain on both sides of my head."

Harry: Pain?

"They never told me what it was from."

Harry: What sort of pain?

"The pain you get when you have burns on both sides of your head."

Harry: What gave you that?

"I'm done talking about this."

Harry: Did I hit a sore spot?

"You would know if I'm upset."

Harry: Fine then. For now be ready when I have this mission ready.

I walked out to head towards somewhere away from everyone but Alibi managed to find me.

Alibi: Orthrus! How you doing?

"Don't want to."

Alibi: You don't even know what I'm going to say.

"I'm sure it's something that I won't like."

Alibi: What if I say there will be games?


Alibi: Food?

"There's food here."

Alibi: What I asked Harry to make you go?

"He hasn't made any orders."

Alibi: Wait right here. That's an order.

"Do you have rank on me?"

Alibi: Maybe.

"I doubt it."

Alibi: Come on this will be fun. Beside you need to go out and not be a robot.

She looked at me with regret. She's sort of right, I could be compared to one. I went back to cleaning and dismantling every gun.

Nora: Orthrus you seem to be upset.

"Why's that?"

Nora: You are cleaning.

"So what?"

Nora: Incoming message.

Harry: Orthrus, I have a request that you should take time off, but I have better things for you to do. I want you to be ready for another mission at 1400 hours.

Nora: No mission file available.

"How long do I have?"

Nora: Two hours.

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