part 21 end

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Three days later

Alibi was walking with Frost as they moved into their new base. Others were already unpacking in their place. She looked at Thatcher watching the news. The attack was blamed on the White Masks and Nighthaven was called the saviors.

Thatcher: Can you believe this?

Alibi kept walking until she found her room. She dropped everything and laid face down in the bed.

She turned to look at the toy Y/n won her. Ash walked in sitting next to her.

Ash: You okay?

Alibi: I'm fine.

They looked out the window as helicopters flew down. They looked out to see Kali walkout along with Sharp and Kim.

Ash: They are really letting them join after what they did?

Alibi: They only released what they wanted people to know.

They walked past the dorms. Sharp looked at Alibi but only nodded.

Later that day, Everyone began to return to their normal lives at Rainbow except for a few. Some of the operators didn't agree with the new faces.

Kali: What do you want?

Ash: You to leave.

Kali: Well, I'm paid to be here whether you like it or not.

Kim: She doesn't trust us.

Styx: Reasonable.

Kali: Your opinion doesn't matter, we've been hired to help rebuild Rainbow.

One month later

Alibi was being thrown down by white masks. She turned to aim her pistol but it was kicked away.

Alibi: Just do it.

Mask: Giving up already?

Before he could shot her two arrows went in his back and head.

Styx: Alibi, are you alright?

Alibi: I'm fine.

He picked her up, then grabbed her beret, dusting it off.

Alibi: Getting sick of pretending that you didn't know why they are here?

Styx: We only took part in one occurrence. Besides, hating us won't bring him back. 

He tossed her hat then pulled the arrows from the body.

They returned to base, Kali was in the debrief waiting for them to sit down.

Kali: Well?

Kim: one doctor is missing but all the masks we're eliminated.

Echo: Secured security camera footage before the attack.

They all watched as it seemed like a normal day.

Kim: Pause it.

She got up pointing at one man in the hall.

Kim: Can't be.

Kali: What?

Kim: Cobalt.

Kali: Really? Why would he be there?

Alibi: Working with the masks, obviously.

Styx: He would be in his gear if he was planning on attacking the place.

Kim: He's never out if his suit.

Kali: Could have been destroyed.

Styx: He'd still wear it, or have it fixed.

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