Chapter 3

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Anna's POV

"Okay, who's going first?" Mrs. Weasley asked. We were traveling to Diagon Alley by floo powder.

"I will," Percy said. "Diagon alley," he said clearly and disappeared in the green flames. Harry looked horrified.

"Don't worry you don't burn or anything. All you have to do is grab a handful of floo powder, throw it down, and say 'diagon alley' as clear as possible," I explained to him.

"Why don't you go next," Mrs. Wealsey said and ushered him into the fireplace.

"Diagonally" he said quickly and disappeared into the flames.

"He said it wrong didn't he?" Ron asked.

"Yep, and that's why I'm going after him," I said as I ran to the fireplace before anyone could stop me.


"Diagonally," I said unclearly like Harry did and I was engulfed by green flames. I shot upward through the floo network and landed face first on a cold, hard stone floor. I groaned.

"Anna, what are you doing here? Did you say it wrong too?" Harry asked, helping me up.

"No, I did it on purpose, I wanted to make sure you were okay. Occulus Reparo," I said and pointed my wand at his glasses. The cracks in them disappeared. I dusted myself off. I was covered head to toe in ash and soot.

"Where are we?" He asked. I looked around the store and shivers went down my spine. Skulls and creepy magical objects hung all over the store. Well, at least Harry was here with me, it made me feel a little safer.

"Somewhere I really don't want to be," I said and we tried to find a way out. Then, I made eye contact with a boy with grey eyes, bleach blonde hair, and a pale complexion. Draco Malfoy. He was looking at us through the window.

"Oh no," We both said. It looked like he was coming into the shop. We tried to escape, but when we found the way out, Draco and his father came in. Harry pulled me into what looked like a casket sitting upright so we wouldn't be caught. His dad and the cashier started talking to each other but I couldn't hear what they were saying. They finally left and the cashier went in the back.

"That was close," I said as we stepped out. We went out the door and it led to a dark alleyway that had lots of creepy witches and wizards.

"Hello little children, you seem lost, why don't you come with us," a creepy witch said as others came over. I grabbed Harry's hand.

"Umm, no thanks we're good," I said as we backed away.

"I'll take the girl, you take the boy," a creepy wizard said as he clamped a hand on my shoulder.

"Never!" He said, standing between me and the wizard.

"Anna? Harry? What are you doing here?" A gruff voice said. I knew it was Hagrid. He made his way through the witches and wizards and led us to Diagon Alley.

"Thanks Hagrid," me and Harry said.

"No problem. Why were you in knockturn anyways?" He asked.

"I was using floo powder to go to Diagon Alley but I said it wrong and Anna came after me," he explained.

"Harry! Anna!" A voice yelled and gave us a huge hug.

"Hey Hermione!" I said when she let us go. Then, the Weasleys ran over to us.

"Anna!" The twins said and hugged me tight. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Harry looking the slightest bit jealous.

"I'm so happy you two, are okay!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed as she engulfed us in a huge hug.

"We're fine, Mrs. Weasley," I said chuckling.

"You know to call me mum. Let's go get your books," she said and we walked into Flourish and Blotts. By the way, the Weasleys became my family over the summer, so I considered Mr. And Mrs. Weasley as my mum and dad, (they thought of me as the daughter they never had) and Ron, Fred, and George as my brothers. Percy was too serious, and thinks that I'm childish. Well, me and the twins do play lots of pranks on him... But honestly, he wouldn't know a joke if it was dancing around in Dobby's tea cosy right in front of him.

"Now presenting Gilderoy Lockhart!" The announcer said and a young tall guy with golden blonde hair walked to the front of the store. Every female gasped, well, except for me.

"Isn't he that book writer guy?" I asked.

"Yeah," Hermione said dreamily. I just rolled my eyes. Sure the guy was somewhat attractive, but he was and attention-hungry git.

"Yes, yes, I know, I'm charming," he said posing and flashing a smile. I pretended to gag and I made Harry, Ron, and the twins laugh.

"Mum fancies him," Ron said, getting a smack on the shoulder.

"I can tell," I said smirking, I got a smack on the shoulder too. Then, a short plump guy with a camera ran and knocked me off my feet. Harry caught me and pulled me up.

"Thanks," I said smiling blushing.

"It can't be. Anna Black and Harry Potter," he said in shock. Then, lots of hands pushed us onto the stage.

"Let's get a picture!" The plump guy yelled and I glared at him. I really didn't want to be on the front cover of the newspaper that all of the magical folk read.

"Smile!" Gilderoy said as he put his arms around our shoulders and cameras snapped. When Girlderiy flashed his smile, all of the women gasped again.

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered to Harry.

"Today, Anna and Harry walked in, wanting to buy my amazing book 'Magical Me' which is in the Daily Prophets best sellers list for it's 27th week. But they didn't know that they would be getting a set of my books, free of charge," he said and everyone clapped. We were each handed a tall stack of heavy books and were ushered off the stage.

"I'll go get those signed," Mrs. Weasley said, taking our books and running to the front of the store.

"Hello Anna!" Draco said behind me. I turned around and he hugged me.

"Hey Draco," I said and hugged him back. Harry was pretty much fuming at the point.

"I see you're still hanging out with these people," he said, glaring at Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George.

"Yeah, they're great friends," I said and Draco looked ticked off. Me and Draco were good friends, but I loved my other friends more.

"Well, if it isn't Harry Potter and Anna Black," a man said, slowly walking towards us. He looked exactly like Draco, except his eyes were a cold, evil, steely grey. I assumed he was Draco's father. He studied me closely. Then, Arthur came over.

"Lucius," he said coldly.

"Ah, hello Authur. I've heard its busy at the ministry, all those raids. I hope they're paying you overtime... Obviously not," Lucius said, trying to provoke him.

"What's the point of being a disgrace to the name of a wizard if they don't even pay you for it?" Lucius asked, smirking.

"We have a different idea of what disgrace to the wizard name is Malfoy," he said through gritted teeth.


"Okay, we should get going," I said, standing between them when Mrs. Weasley came over.

"Why? I thought we were having a great time?" Lucius asked, I could tell he was trying to pick a fight.

"Some of us thought otherwise," I muttered and we walked out of the store.


Hey readers! I hoped you liked that chapter. You're probably confartled about Ginny. I think I forgot to tell you that she WONT be in the series. Sorry Ginny fans. It just wouldn't really work with her in it. And I honestly am not a fan of Ginny. Sorry. Please don't hate me! *hides behind Voldemort* So, all I have left to say is vote, comment, and read! :D

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived. Book 2 (will be edited soon, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now