Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I jolted awake when I heard a rumbling noise in the distance. I put on my glasses and looked out the window. There was a blue flying car coming towards my window. I saw two read-heads in the front seat, Fred and George. They stopped right before they hit the window.

"Hello Harry," they said in unison.

"Fred, George, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"We're here to rescue you," a voice said from the back of the car that I immediatly recognized.


"Yep," she said as Fred turned the car so that the right side of the car was facing the window. Fred and George were up front and Ron and Anna were in the back. Anna had definetly changed over the summer. She looked older, her hair was longer, her face looked older, her skin was tanner, and I could tell she had gotten taller. She looked more like a teenager than a twelve year old. Her big brown eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

"Lets get those bars off," Ron said as he got out a hook that was tied to a long cord that was tied to the car. He hooked it to one of the bars.

"Stand back," Anna said and I backed away from the window. Fred pressed the gas and the bars came off, making a loud noise that proabably woke the whole nieghborhood. The door burst open.

"HE'S ESCAPING!" Vernon yelled. I ran to the window and tried to get in the car. Anna held out her hand and tried to pull me in, but Vernon grabbed onto me leg.

"DRIVE!" She screamed and Fred stomped on the gas pedal. She pulled me in with surprising strength and Vernon was forced to let go. He fell with a thud in the bushes, and we sped off into the night.

We had finally gotten to the Burrow and the sun was rising. We had been driving for a long time, and Anna was sleeping with her head on my shoulder.

"Anna, we're here," I whispered while gently shaking her. She groaned and sat up, I could tell she was exhausted.

"You're gonna love it here," She said as we landed. We snuck inside the house.

"It's not much, but it's home,"

"It's brilliant," I said in awe.

"Thank god mum didnt know we were gone," Ron said.

"FRED! GEORGE! RON! ANNA! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, TAKING ARTHUR'S CAR? Oh Harry dear, I'm so happy you're here. YOU COULD HAVE CRASHED AND DIED!" she screamed. Anna and Ron cowarded in fear and the twins were backed against a wall.

"But mum, they put bars on his windows," Fred said.

"I'LL PUT BARS ON YOUR WINDOWS!" she screamed. They were literally shaking in fear at this point, I felt really bad.

"Is breakfast ready?" Ron asked quietly.

"Ron!" Anna hissed.

"Yes, its ready. But, if you four ever do anyhting like that again, you probably won't live to eat another meal," she said and went to the kitchen.

"That was bad," Ron said.

"I found it pleasant," Anna said sarcastically.

"Does she usually yell like that?" I asked.

"No, only if we do something terrible," George said and we went to get breakfast.

Anna's POV

After we finished breakfast, I finally got a moment alone with Harry.

"Can I ask you something?"


"I know this might sound crazy, but did a house elf named Dobby tell you not to go back to Hogwarts?" I asked.

"Yes, did he visit you too?" he asked.

"Yeah, he took my letters," I said.

"Mine too!" he said.

"I wonder what was so dangerous that he was talking about," I said.

"I hope it won't be like last year," he said.

"Me too," I agreed. I just wanted a regular year, but I didn't have the slightest idea of what was going to come.


Hola readers! I don't know spanish, just wanted to change things up a bit. I'm American. Anyways, I hoped that you liked that chapter, a little bit mysterious at the end. It's going to be so hard to write this book because the Chamber of Secrets is my least favorite book! Does anyone agree? But don't worry, I will write it, it just might take a little longer. I just can't wait to write book three and on, there will be lots of drama! But I especially cna't wait to write book three. So, like I always say, remeber to comment, vote, and just keep calm and read! :)

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived. Book 2 (will be edited soon, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now