Chapter 8

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Anna's POV

I walked to the eagle staircase that would take me to Dumbledore's office. I needed answers, about my past, and mostly about my father.

"What's he password?" the gargoyle asked.

"Umm... Hogwarts?" I said. the gargoyle didn't move.

"Helga Hufflepuff? Godric Gryffindor?" I guessed. Then, I realized that the password was probably something that didn't have to do with Hogwarts.

"Umm....sherbert lemon?" I guessed and the gargoyle moved aside. The staircase took me up to Dumbledore's office, where he was sitting at his desk.

"Um, Professor?"

"Oh, hello Miss Black, can I help you?"

"I need answers, about my past, about my father," I said.

"Okay, I hope you have lots of time to spare. Where should I begin?" he said and sighed.

Harry's POV

I waited outside of Dumbledore's office. Anna said something about seeing Dumbledore, but she was pretty vague about it. After a while, the staircase came down and Anna ran out, hot tears streaming down her face.

"Anna, what happened?" I asked worriedly. She just looked at me, shook her head, and ran down the hall. I tried to chase after her, but she was too fast. I stopped, and tried to catch my breath, I never knew she could run that fast.

"Harry," a voice said behind me. I spun around and saw it was Dumbledore.

"What happened to Anna?" I asked quickly.

"I can't tell you. She will tell you when the time is right," he said sadly.

"Please sir, she would get mad if I ask her," I said. I could tell that he was keeping something from me.

"Then you shouldn't ask her. I'm sorry Harry. It's not in my place to tell you," he said and with that he walked away.

Anna's POV

I ran up to my dorm and sobbed on my bed. I couldn't believe it, my father was a murderer. He killed Harry's parents, my mother, and by killing my mother, he killed my unborn sister. He deserved to rot in Azkaban. If Harry found, he wouldn't find out. I wouldn't tell him, and I will hurt anyone who does. He would hate me for life, and I didn't want that to happen. After I calmed down a bit, I went down to the kitchens to get some food. I know it's against the rules, but I do it anyways. Last year, Amanda showed me how to get in the kitchens because her common room is right near them. Before I got down there, Harry stopped me.

"Anna? What happened?" he asked. I just tried to walk past him, but he grabbed my wrist.

"Please tell me, you can trust me," he pleaded. I looked into his amazing green eyes and just wanted to spill everything, but I knew I couldn't.

"You would hate me if I told you," I said quietly and went past him.

Harry's POV

It was a few days later and I was walking back from dinner. Anna wasn't there, actually, I hadn't really talked to her since what happened a few days ago. She wouldn't tell me and it was like she was purposely avoiding me. Then, I heard a scream down the hallway. I ran and found Ron and Hermione, standing over Mrs. Norris who was as stiff as a rock. On the wall wriiten in blood was, The Chamber Of Secrets Has Been Opened, Enimies Of The Hier Beware. Then, students and professors started flooding in, seeing what the commotion was about.

"Oh no," Dombledore said quietly.

"Everyone go to your dormitories, except for you three," Snape said, motioning to me, Ron, and Hermione.

"Who could have done this?" Professer Flitwick asked.

"The heir of course," Lockhart said like it was the most obvious thing.

"He means who is the heir you thickheaded git. So, are you going to keep pointing out the obvious or are you going to just let this heir keep killing cats?" A voice spat angrily. I looked and next to me stood Anna. I was surprised that she actually said that, and so was everyone else. Everyone knew her as a nice, calm, and happy. But she obviously wasn't tonight. Snape was about gong to yell at her, but we heard a voice yell from down the hall.

"MRS. NORRIS!!!" Filch screamed as he ran and knelt down to Mrs. Norris. I looked over at Anna, her eyes glowed red and her pure hatred was painted on her face. Nobody else seemed to notice. Anna saw me looking at her and she just glared at me with her glowing red eyes. What was wrong with her? How could I get the old Anna back?


Hey TOTALLY AWESOME readers! I hope you liked that chapter. So, what do you think is wrong with Anna? Tell me in the comments! So, I will write this book as fast as I can possibly type! I really want to move onto the next book, so many cliffhangers and plot twists..... Anyways, like I always say, remember to vote, comment, and keep being amazing!

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived. Book 2 (will be edited soon, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now