Chapter 6

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Anna's POV

"You were seen by no less than seven muggles!" Snape yelled at us.


"You almost exposed our world! if it was in my power, you would be on the train home tonight!"

"But it isn't in your power Severus," Dumbledore said, walking in with Mcgonagall.

"But they broke at least three laws!" Snape tattled like a four year-old.

"I think I would know, I did write some of those laws," Dumbledore said, chuckling.

"I get to choose how they will be disceplined," McGonagall said.

"We'll go pack our bags," I said sadly.


"You're going to expel us, right?"

"Not today Miss Black, but letters will be sent home to your families and you will all receive detention. Go to your common rooms," she said and we all went to the common room.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked when she saw us. We explained what happened to her.

"What? The platform was sealed?That's impossible!" she exclaimed.

"Well, obviously it isn't impossible," I said.

"Someone must have sealed it then," she said.

"But who wouldn't want us going to Hogwarts?" Ron asked. Me and Harry looked at each other.

"Dobby," we said in unison.

"Who's Dobby?" Ron asked. We told him about the little house elf.

"Well, we were in danger last year but that didn't stop us," Hermione said.

"That's exactly what I told him. I just hope it's not like last year," I said.

"Me too." Ron said.

Harry's POV

I was in Defense Against the Dark Arts sitting next to Anna. I wondered who would be our teacher since the one last year...well, I would rather not talk about it. Then, Gilderoy Lockhart came in.

"You have got to be kidding me, this idiot is our teacher?" Anna asked, ticked off.

"I guess so," I said. Anna asolutely hated him. She described him as an 'conceded attention-hungry git'. I was kind of happy that she didn't fawn over him like the other girls. She was mine.

"Hello children, I, the amazing Gilderoy Lockhart, will be your defense against the dark arts teacher," he said, flashing a smile that made all of the girls sigh. Anna gagged and I tried to stifle a laugh.

"The first thing you will be doing is taking a quiz, about me," he said and passed out the quizzes. Anna looked over it. She raised her hand and he called on her.

"How does this relate to defense against the dark arts?" she asked.

"I'm just seeing how much you know about me,"

"You mean what a conceded git you are?" she muttered.

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that," he said chuckling and the girls sighed again. Anna just rolled her eyes, and me and Ron snickered. Hermione just glared.

"You have 30 minutes, starting, now!" he said and went to his desk. I looked at the first question

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

"You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

"I know, right?" Anna whispered.

We had finally finished the quiz, I guessed on every question, and I probably got all of them wrong.

Anna's POV

"Tut, tut. I expected more from you kids, most of you failed. Except for Miss Hermione Granger. She got almost every question right. She was the only one who knew my favorite color was lilac," he said and Hermione blushed a deep red. The bell rang and class was dismissed.

"That was awful," Harry said.

"I think he's perfect," Hermione said dreamily.

"Obsessed much?" I said.

"I've read all of his books, he-"

"You actually believe that he did all that stuff?" I asked.

"Of course he did. Do you think he's lying?" Hermione asked in shock.

"Yes, I do. Do you actually think that thick headed git save a village from trolls and dragons by himself," I asked, remembering him writing that in one of his books. I think they're all lies.

"Yes!" Hermione said and stormed off.

"She's mental," Ron muttered.

"For once, I have to agree," I said.


Hey readers! I hope you liked that chapter. You can probably tell I absolutely HATE Gilderoy Lockhart. Anyways, on a happier note, guess what? THIS STORY HAS 20 VOTES AND OVER 100 READS!!! I'm so happy, it's only been two days since I've started it! So remember, vote, comment, and keep reading! :)

Anna Black, The Girl Who Lived. Book 2 (will be edited soon, sorry!)Where stories live. Discover now