Hi! Again (Russia)

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Your POV:

Man, people weren't kidding when they say that Russia is a scary place...

After your encounter in the mysterious ice cave, you were a little more careful around where you went and what kind of people you talked to.

The cold, dead stare he gave me was terrifying! I bet he was looking through my soul! His eyes were an interesting color though... No, stop it! I hope I don't run into him again in another weird encounter. The last thing I need is to be murdered...

You thought for a second.


You sulked over your thoughts, hiding in a sunny field filled with sunflowers. You had no idea how you found this place, but complaints were not allowed either way. It was a good, different pace.

You sat down, pulled out your tablet and typed down story scenarios for your works. Pushing all fears aside and work for once.  But it was so nice out there that you could lay down and let go of all worries! And that's exactly what you did without a second thought.

Pretty ironic, huh?


You fluttered your eyes open and noticed you had taken a god knows how long nap. You sat up and see that the tablet is no longer by you. You panicked and started searching all over the ground.

Through the leaves, your hand landed on what seemed to be a shoe. You quivered in anticipation and fear as you slowly, but carefully lifted your head up. You stood under the presence of the same man from yesterday.

"I-I um... I'm so sorry, sir!" You stuttered out, pulling your hand away.

He chuckled and handed you your tablet. "You have quite fascinating stories there. Not to mention you're cute too. Da?"

"O-oh, I don't know what to say..." You replied, holding the tablet close to your chest. The man got down and sat across from you.

"Also, you can drop the formalities with me. I'm Ivan Braginsky."

"I'm (Y/n)."

He gives you a closed-eyed smile. "What a lovely name... I want to know about you and your stories if you would please."

"A-alright..." You said, searching through your works to see what he'd like to hear.

No one has taken an interest in me like this before... it's rather pleasing...


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