Prologue: How It All Started..

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"Everyone use to say to make some mistakes in life, but this was a Dangerous mistake..."

"Ack-!!" I squeak out as my books and things go flying on the floor, whilst my ass fell down on the ground as well.

"Tsk- watch where your going, nerd." A boy, with coconut hair, said walking off.

"The fuck-...? You are the dumbass who shoved me in the first place..." I muttered to myself as I gather my things.

As I walk down the hallways I can't help, but hear all the whispers and snickering between students around me.

I sighed heavily before I put my airpods on and turned on my music tunning out everyone around me.

Hi! If you are wondering. My name is Kim Y/N, I'm a senior in highschool, and I have unfortunately been deemed a "nerd".

That's only because I actually try to work hard to get to good grades to actually go to college. I mean, I have to! My family isn't very rich and the college I want to get into is quite expensive. And it's been paying off as is, so-.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

I shake my head slightly as I focused back on reality.

The bell had just rang, indicating that it was time for second period.

I rushed down the hallway in a hurry to get to class.

As I neares the stairs to go down to the first floor. I hadn't noticed someone stuck their foot out to trip me, before it was to late and I began to fall face first from the first step.

My books fall out my hands as I shut my eyes waiting for the tumbling and bones possibly breaking.

But, after a few seconds.. Nothing, but warmth...?

"Don't you know it's not nice to trip young ladies down stairs. It is very dangerous." A cold males voice said.

I opened my eyes with a confuses look on my face until I looked up and almost had a heart attack.

"H- Huh-?!" I squeak out shocked at who saved me from my, most likely, death by stairs.

Min. Fucking. Yoongi. Just. Saved. My. Ass.


I know. Not that good (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ'). It will get better, trust meeee.

Anyways. That's the prologue, until next time everyone~♡!!

Unedited- ✔︎
Edited- ⌫

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