Chapter 1: Learn Your Place

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It's been a week sense that fateful encounter with Yoongi, and god damn-! The rumors have been fly left and right, and let me tell you. They aren't so pretty.

Like let me live in peace, for one day. Please..? Nahh who am I kidding they won't even do that.

Anyways, sense then I haven't seen to much of Yoongi, and when I did it was usually because we passed each other in the halls or each others lunch tables at school.

But.. Strangely enough, each time we made eye contact...

"Ms. Kim! Can you please stop staring into space and answer this damn question-!?" My Geometry two teacher practically shouted towards me.

I shake my head slightly while everyone in the class snickered and giggled.

I proceeded to momentarily say sorry before answering the question. Which, was obviously the correct answer as is.

After awhile the bell rang and I stood up from my desk, grabbing my things. Seconds later I head out the class to proceed to my last period class of the day. 

"Why if it isn't the bitch who tried stole my man." Said a familiar shrillingly annoying voice.

I sighed heavily before turning around and facing the biggest bimbo in are school, Selugi.

"The fuck do you want now Selugi. You realize that I have a life and places to be." I said irritated.

"EXCUSE ME-!?" She shrieked angrily as her minions along side her cover their mouths.

"You heard me, I have places to be, so leave me alone. Go find a dude to fuck in the janitors closet, you know like you always do." I stated with a uninterested look on my face.

At this point, the look on Selugi's face was pure anger. If steam could be coming out her ears right about now, it definitely would be.

"Take. That. Back." She said moving closer to me, but I stayed silent as I gazed at her.

"Alright bitch, you asked for it." She stated, before she proceeded to push me to the ground, kicking me in the stomach knocking the air out of my lungs.

I gazed up at her with a smile on my face, "Does it look like I'm afraid of a plastic barbie doll bimbo like you?"

She gave my side a real good kick, almost making me wince in pain, before backing away a bit.

"If you ever talk to me like that again, I'll do worse then that. That was only baby tapes." She states before she turned around walking away with her minions laughing.

I sit up and sighed shaking my head slightly. I'll have to make sure this isn't to bad. It doesn't even hurt that much, but then again. I'm kind of used to this type of stuff anyways.

"Seems like you are always finding ways to get in trouble, princess." A cold overly familiar voice said behind me.

I turn my head looking at, none other than, Min Yoongi himself.

"Yeah.. I just can't help but get stuck in sticky situations, can I?" I chuckled nervously. Had I forgotten to mention this boy is hella hot, but hella lot of trouble..?

He slowly makes his way to me crouching down, "Mm.. I guess so.. are you okay though? She seemed to have kicked you pretty hard." He asked me as his eyes gazed at me softly, with a hint of worry in them.

Am I seeing things..? Because from what I've heard, this boy is cold as fuck and doesn't even care about others besides his little gang of friends! So.. Why does he care about my safety..?

"I- I'm okay! That was nothing, really." I stuttered out with slightly wide eyes.

"Are you sure? I know how Selugi can be.." He proceeded to say leaning closer.

"Yes! I'm sure!" I stated before I scrambled to my feet, "see, if I can stand, then I'm okay."

He shakes his head as he stands up as well. "Alright, but if she gives you anymore trouble. Tell me." He said before he turned around walking away.

I stared at him the whole time before he had made it to his destination entering a class room.

What the fuck just happened...?


Well that was the end of the first chapter.

Man was that all crazy !

Anyways, tell me what you think about all that, if you want to :3!

Until next time, mwahh~♡!!

Unedited- ✔︎

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