Chapter 8: To Close

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"Girlll!!!! You- you have to be crazy to thibk he no like youu!!" Lisa squealed tackling me.

"Ack-!!! What the hell Lisa Unnie!!" I squeak out as my back hits the grass bellow me.

Lisa giggled saying, "sorry."

"It's okay, but I don't think he likes me likes me. He just worries about me. Anyone would worry about a girl if they saw them sobbing. Especially someone who they know, well only people who actually care about them. BUT not in the "I like them" kind of way." I stated looking at the sky.

"Alright. Whatever you say." Lisa said with a pout.

After that the bellrang signaling that lunch was over and me and Lisa headed are way to class.


"Are. You. Kidding. Me." I stated, fumming in anger.

I gazed at my graffitied locker that had "Whore", "Slut", "freak", "Loser", "Boyfriend Stealer", "Gold Digger", extra.

At this point half the school was crowding around snickering or whispering to eachother.

I turned around looking at the obvious culprit to whom done this.

"Boy, if you hadn't already asked for a fucking death wish. You did now." I said coldly.

Seulgi smirked, "What are you going to do about it, bitch-?"

"What am I going to do? You asking me. What I am going to do?! Oh- hoe you got it coming!" I make my way towards her.

As I was about ready to pounce on her, strong arms wrap around my waist. I instinctively tried to get out of their grip, but there hold tighten.

"Calm down Princess, it's only me.." Yoongi whispered burying his face against my neck.

Everyone in the room gasped at Yoongi's sudden actions utterly shocked.

"See everyone! This bitch is stealing my man!! She is at most a whore!!" Seulgi screeched fumming with anger.

Yoongi snapped his gaze up at Seulgi, "Me- your man? Pff- I think not. If anything I'm no ones man. I don't even, and never have, liked you. If you continue to treat Y/N-ah poorly, there will be dire consequences.." He said coldly.

Seulgi gasped with teary eyes storming off with a glare.

"Well that was eventful.." I mumbled as yoongi was still holding onto me, like his life depended on it.


Oh thee agony.. I thought this boy would stop doing this!!

Your probably wondering what I am even talking about. Simple, Yoongi is being CLINGY!

Yes, you heard me right! Min. Fucking. Yoongi. Is. Being. Clingy.

It's shocking. He's been doing this sense the Selugi incident, which was over a month ago, but it's gotten worse the last week and a half.

It's annoying the hell out of me! I mean I'm down for hugs, but Yoongi is 10× worse or even more then that.

Not going to lie though, I do like it. It just get's on my nerves every once and awhile...

"Eek!!" I squeaked as Yoongi came out of nowhere and back hugged me, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Goodmorning Princess!!" He said with his gummy smile.

"I-! Uh- Goodmorning to you too!" I said with a slightly laugh.

He hums resting his head close to the crook of my neck breathing against my skin. Not going to lie, I kinda shivered..

My cheeks flushed a deep red, "H- Hey Yoongi?"

"Hmm?" He responded as a sign to proceed with my question.

"Why have you been clinging to me sense the Selugi incident..?" I asked slowly turning around to face him.

He stares at me silently for a few seconds, before saying, "Because I don't want anything to happen to you."

I wish I could say he was joking, but the way he tightened his hold on me as if he was afraid of something actually happening to me. Plus the fact that he also looked and sounded dead pan serious.

My eyes soften and I cooed on the inside, "aww- Yoongi~! Nothing is going to happen to me!"

He grumbles, mummbling something under his breath.

"I'm still not going to leave you alone you know, I will worry to much if I do." He pouts.

The bell range and next thing I know he is dragging me to class.

'Oh my god this boy is getting to close to me.. God damnit!'


Hello my lil moonies! I bring another chapter OwO!!

Be expecting a couple more chapters within the next week! I am on Fall Break now uwu!!

Anyways, until next time!

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