Chapter 6: What Went Down

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"H- He- Y/N-ah H- He!" Lisa stuttered, but before she could continue the nurse's office door bursted open.

•~《End of Recap》~•

-Y/N's POV-

"What she is trying to tell you is that. I told Selugi to never go near, touch, or even breath in the same room as you, only exception is if she actually HAS to. And if she didn't comply to my demand, then I would put a bullet 'persay' in her head." A cold husky males voice said behind me.

I soightly shiver and look over my shoulder to gaze right into Yoongi's. "O- Oh-!" I stammer.

Lisa gulps, "Yeah, but the way you said that right in her face, made it really seem like you actually would!"

Yoongi shakes his head chuckling, "I mean, if I actually could, I honestly would."

My eyes widen at his statement, I mean. Yeah I hate that dumbass bimbo, but not to the extent of wanting to actually kill her!!

Yoongi must have noticed my uneasiness and fear from what he had said, because his eyes soften. "But I won't. It's not worth getring arrested for."

I sighed heavily, that did reassure me a bit, but only a little bit.

"Alright.. S- So! Can I go now?" I asked them with my brow raised.

"I think so, but school will be ending soon. Like in a hour." Yoongi stated.

I nodded my head standing up. Big mistake because when I did, I almsot fell from dizziness.

Yoongi stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around me before I could.

I squeaked slightly gazing up at him with flushed cheeks. "What are you doinggg-"

Yoongi chuckled smiling at me with a gummie smile.

"D- Daebak!! His smile is so cute!! Wait- he can SMILEEEEE!?!?!" I rambled.

"Yes Y/N I can smile, thanks for the compliment as well." Yoongi said gazing into my eyes.

"AACK! I said that outloud-?!" I squeak out with my eyes widdening.

By this point my face had to be as red as a tomatoe and Yoongi must be laughing his head off. But not going to lie, it's very cute..

Meanwhile, while all this is happening. Lisa is, fangirling and taking picture after picture from side to side, table to table, chair to chair- AHEM! You get the picture (omo)...


I was walking outside the school's building slowly. "I don't want to head home just yet." I grumble at the idea.

With that, I walked around town for awhile until I reached the park. I sit at a bench in the shade, lost in thought.

I gazed at a little girl with a slightly older looking boy playing in the distance and smile bitterly.

'This makes me think of that day..' I thought to myself.


-Flashback 12 years beforehand-
-Third POV-


"Oppaa!!" A little girl squeals running in the grass. Her pale baby blue dress flowing with her.

"I'm going to get chuu~!" A boy's voice says behind her, right before he grabs a hold of her and tickles her.

She squeals giggling, "E- Eek! Oppaaa stopp!!"

He grins widely saying, "what's the magic word~?"

The girl puffs air through her nose as she giggled, "Oppa is the bestest brother in de worldu."

The boy proceeded to stop tickling the little girl, "heck ya I am!"


-End of Flashback-
-Y/N's POV-


"I miss you Oppa-" I whisper a loud, unknowingly a tear made it's way down my cheek.

But from one tear, came many after, until I was sobbing.

'Damn you stupid emotions!' I grumble in my head.

"Y/N-ah? Is that you?" Someone asked me.

My brow frows as I glanced to my right and my mouth gaped open.

"I- um-" I hoarsely respond, shocked at who it was.



Y'all going to kill me if I keep doing this XD!

Anyways! Are first glimpse into Y/N's passed and we got-

MoRe QuEsTiOnS (;^;)!

Anyways, until next time~♡!!!

Edited- ⌫
Unedited- ✔︎

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