Chapter 2: The Unnamed Familiar

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September 15, 2020

"If pain dominated your heart, don't allow it to dive into your blood. Because then, it will dominate your whole body."


I rushed towards the operating room

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I rushed towards the operating room. Waiting for his operation to end, I stood dazzled in front of the walking nurses. It was as if time stopped. Was it a coincidence that he was admitted few days after that letter, after years of disappearance?

That confined room he was laying in, and even the more confined space in his mind held the secrets of the past. And its buried keys. It was as if those keys were magnetic, dragging me towards them. There was no escape this time, and he had to wake up and give me those keys.

I didn't spend my childhood with my parents- unlike most kids. They only came twice a year, and left me with my Aunt Olivia. Although her strong bones had given up, her young heart never did. We used to play for hours in the garden, where I was the princess and she was the knight. How wonderful of a mother she would have been, if it wasn't for her infertility.

While my Aunt offered the warmth I needed as a child; her husband, Uncle William could only give his hatred. There were nights where he beat me until I was a helpless body on the bloody floor. But that didn't stab as much as seeing Aunt Olivia enduring his ruthless beating, just because she couldn't give him a child, and couldn't see me as his own. Despite my fresh bruises, I would stay nights by her side. Bandaging her arms, giving her the medicine and reading her stories. There wasn't much I can do with broken hands and bleeding wounds.

I felt trapped between the walls of the hospital, unable to leave. Anger boiled in my veins as I remembered the blue bruises he left on my arms each night. But, I was somehow sitting on the cold chair, trying to ignore his actions, and waiting for answers of a past I always ran away from. Uncle William had the lost strand of my childhood- my parents. He was the sole carrier of their answers, and that letter, after Aunt Olivia's death. And curiosity kills if not killed.

After hours, I saw his weak body lying on the hospital's bed as he came out of the operation room. There were many machines attached to him in the ICU. If machines could think, they wouldn't sacrifice a bit of their energy trying to save that of a hopeless man.

"Hey, Ethan," I responded to the phone call, with a brittle voice.

"Aryn, what happened? Are you crying?!" he worriedly questioned.

"No, no. It's nothing really," I replied as tears finally escaped.

"Where are you? I am coming right now."

"Ethan, I need to stay alone."

"You're in the hospital; I could hear the Doctors speaking. Hang on there; I am coming!"

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