Ch. 3

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Wade didn't like waiting. Scratch that. He HATED it! He didn't understand why Tony was having him wait in the lobby after rushing him to the tower, saying that he had an urgent job for him.

[Five bucks says IronDick is messing with us.]

(You don't have any money.)

[So?!? It's the principle that counts!]

(Oooo~ sounds like someone's trying to sound smart!)

[Am not!]

(Are too!)

"Guys! Shut up! Someone is coming!" Wade snapped at the voices, directing their attention to the main door. As they swung open, a brown haired teen came rushing through. The boy didn't seem to notice Wade as he was busy muttering into his phone. Wade couldn't help but stare at the teens young and beautiful pale face. The way his brow scrunched at whatever was being said to him was doing all sorts of things to Wade.



(You don't know how old he is! Chronic babyface is common now-a-days.)

[But look at him!!!]

(He's cute.)

[He's a baby!]

(Wait... why is HE looking at us?)

[Shit! Wade!]

"Hi. You must be Deadpool." The kid greeted as he approached Wade. Wade simply nodded, he wasn't expecting the kid to notice him. "I'm Mr. Stark's intern, Peter. He's waiting for us on the upper level. Shall we?" Peter was trying not to sound robotic over his nerves. He was supposed to do this whole mission without being Spider-Man, while also keeping his identity safe. He didn't really know anything about Deadpool, but he knew that he was going to be VERY involved in this whole ordeal.

Standing up, Wade followed Peter into the elevator. The silence was a bit awkward between them.

'Should I say something?'

(Ask how old he is!)

[Ask how he became Tony's intern!]

'Is that normal people conversation? I don't wanna freak the kid out!'
(You'll be fine!)
[Just say something. He looks REALLY nervous.]

Glancing over at the kid, Wade noticed him fidgeting with his sleeve, pulling it down over his hand like he was scared someone would see them.

'He's a total ball of nerves...'

"So..." Wade half coughed. "How old are you kid? Stark must see something interesting about you to have you work with supers." He was trying his best to sound both neutral and friendly. God he prayed that it came across as that and NOT totally creepy!

(Please be legal. Please be legal. Please be legal.)

[He's not going to answer. He probably thinks we're a nut job!]

(But... we are?)

[He doesn't need to know that!]

'Will you both shut up?!?'

After a moments pause, Peter let out a chuckle, and Wade's heart melted. The way he could see the dimples in his face as a smile crept on to it, the way his Bambi doe-eyes squinted a little to make room for the smile, and his wild brown hair framing his face so perfectly, Wade wished he had a camera.

(Legal or not we're keeping him!!!!)

[Good lord.]

'No kidnapping!'

"Well you have a point there! I'm currently a freshman in college, the internship is helping me pay for my double major. Mr. Stark actually sought ME out with the internship two years ago when I was 16." Peter smiled fondly at the memory of Tony approaching him about being Spider-Man, and offering to take him under his wing.

(16+2=18!!! HE'S LEGAL BABY!!!!)

[Barely. And it sounds like he's Tony's little pet project. That's a whole 'nother can of worms..]

(What do you mean?)


"That's pretty impressive!" Wade replied despite the chattering in his head. "Your family must be proud!" He let his tone rise a little. God this kid was adorable.

Peter's face dropped to an almost sad neutral, and Wade wondered what he said. "Yeah." Peter simply states.

(You said something wrong! Look how sad our baby boy is now!!!)

[Last I checked, we've known him for about two minutes, don't think he's "OURS".]


The rest of the ride was awkward silence.

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