The scare

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I actually felt really bad for Heather that we tricked her into thinking I was pregnant. But then I also got very nervous as my period was getting closer and closer and passed.

“Can we talk?” I asked Jared as he was playing video games. I was avoiding him all day because I wasn’t prepared to tell him. This was my first ever pregnancy scare and I was scared to death.

“Sure. What’s up?” He asked pausing the game and sitting up. I was silent for a while before he lifted my chin and looked at me. “What’s going on?” He asked as he put the game down and held my face in his hands as tears welled up in my eyes.

“My period. It’s late.” The looked on his face made it seem like he just saw a ghost. He looked like he was going to faint.

“Okay. Don’t panic.” He said as he got up and walked back and forth in the room. “Did you take a test?” He asked me and I shook my head no.

“I don’t have a car to get to the store.” I answered.

“My mom might have one.” He said as we both rushed up the stairs and into her bathroom. He threw everything all over the floor as he dug around before pulling one out. “Here.” He handed it to me.

“I don’t have to pee.” I answered him truthfully. You can’t take a pregnancy test if you can’t pee. He quickly ran downstairs and got a gallon of water from the garage.

“Drink up.” He commented as he opened the cap and handed it to me. The weird things this boy makes me do just to see if I’m pregnant. It wasn’t a joke this time but I wish it really was and I hope to god this pregnancy test came back negative. I drank as much as the water as I could before it made me feel sick. “Keep going.”

“I can’t. I’m going to puke.” I said sitting down on the toilet seat. Soon enough I felt as if my bladder was going to explode. As soon as I sat on the toilet to pee it came out. I wasn’t sure if any of it got on the stick but I was hoping.

“I’m scared.” He admitted to me.

“Because I’m not or anything.” I said him as the one line popped up and I sighed sitting on the floor. “Thank god.” I said. I wasn’t pregnant so my period should be coming in a few days. Sometimes its late but never since me and Jared had been having sex.

“You scared me half to death.” He said hugging me. I couldn’t help but feel relieved that it came back negative. I wasn’t sure what we were going to do if it were positive. No offence but I don’t think Jared would be a good father right now. He didn’t know anything about babies or how to take care of them, how could he possibly be alone with one for more than ten minutes.

“What if it was positive?” I asked him wanting to know what he would do if I was in fact pregnant.

“I would cry.” He said and I laughed but the look on his face told me he was being serious. “I’m being serious.” He said. “What would we do? We can’t take care of baby. We have school and we need to graduate.” He said stressing out.

“Can you relax? I’m not so lets just forget it.” I said but the thing was, I didn’t want to forget it.




I couldn’t sleep that night stressing out about Ryan being pregnant. I knew she wasn’t but god damn what if she was? I think I would lose my mind. She was sound asleep next to me snoring away as I laid here trying to figure out what to do. I knew if she was pregnant I would never be like my father. He was a horrible father and I wish he was never in my life.

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