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+ introduction +

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+ introduction +

I was whistling a tune as I made my way into the main sector of the Hellicarrier, smiling at a worker who walked past me as they nodded their head back at me. I put my hand on the metal railing, jumping over it and landing on my feet softly, straightening up as Maria Hill walked over to me, looking up at where I had just descended off of.  "We have stairs, you know that right?" She asked me, smiling as she looked up at me from the tablet she was holding.

"Yeah, I know" I said, tucking a brown curl behind me ear, trying to peak at what she was looking at as she looked at her screen with furrowed eyebrows. "What are you doing?" I asked her as she angled the tablet so I couldn't see it, locking it quickly just to be safe as she shook her head at me. "Nothing, something for Fury" she said, holding it by her side, shrugging her shoulders and writing it off as I looked over at her, mentally reminding myself to find out later.

"Have you seen Natasha around?" I asked her, looking around for the red headed agent, who I hadn't seen for a quite a while now. "I have no idea" she said shrugging her shoulders as I looked back up at her, putting my hands on my hips. "You know how-" I started, being interrupted by the beep of our pagers as both of us simultaneously looked at the inside of our wrists at the smart watch pagers all SHIELD agents were issued with. They were handy, as if we were needed we would get a message on them, but arguably the best feature was the fact that agents got to talk to each other, something Clint, Nat and I took advantage off quite a bit.

RUNWAY IN 10 - Fury

"You needed on the tarmac?" I asked her, swiping the message to the right, transmitting that I received it and that I would be there when needed. "Yeah" she said, doing the same, as she dropped her wrist, looking back over at me. "Do you know why?" I asked her as she lifted up her target, starting to swipe and type away at it once again. "I need to get this to Fury" she said, nodding down at the screen before walking away from me, not bother to finish her sentence.

"Cool, I'll guess I'll just go get changed" I said to no one but myself, turning to the left, jumping and grabbing onto one of the railings with one hand, pulling myself up as I hopped over the railing, landing on my feet before walking back through the doors I had just come through moments before, now hoping that this was a mission.


The helicopter landed at the Project PEGASUS base, a loud claxon ringing through speakers as lights on the outside of the building flashed in warning, people running to the cars and trucks to get evacuated. Fury hopped out ducking under the blades, both Maria and I following him, my hair being blown around me as we made our way over to Coulson, who was standing at the edge of the helipad.

For some reason I always seemed to be going into direct danger, rather than away from it with the rest of the crowd, but that's what made my life exciting. Coulson stood at the edge of the Helipad, taking his sunglasses off as we approached him, which seemed a bit redundant considering it was dark outside. "How bad is it?" Fury asked him as I looked around, seeing a line up of vehicles heading through the exit gates, racing away from the base as quickly as they possibly could.

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