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"Hey, come on, we'll get you to a paramedic" Maria said, standing over me and lending me her hand which I took gladly

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"Hey, come on, we'll get you to a paramedic" Maria said, standing over me and lending me her hand which I took gladly. "That cut looks nasty" I said as she threw my arm over her shoulder, helping me walk. The bridge was a mess, glass and debris everywhere, workers scraping themselves off of the floor after having to take cover, part of the far wall on fire after being blown up.

"I got grazed by a bullet" She said, walking slowly to keep me from tumbling over. "That's rough" I said as she helped lower me down to sit on the stairs, an IT worked getting a graze cleaned by a paramedic.

"Anything from Fury? Did Loki escape?" I asked her as she helped me sit down on the stairs, which was where the paramedics were attending to everyone with an injury. "I haven't heard anything, my ear piece got knocked out a while ago" She said to me, taking a seat next to me.

"Can you hold this to your side as I clean her head quickly" Another paramedic said to me holding out a bandage. I nodded, taking it from him and holding it against my gash. I watched as he wiped down Maria's forehead, waiting for my turn. "You look like hell" Steve said, sitting next to me, his uniform dirty as well as his face. "Well i've been there and back" I said as the paramedic came over to me. "We need to take all the shrapnel out of your leg first, then we can get your cut sewn up" He said, taking a pair of scissors and getting the leg of my suit off up to my knee, exposing my torn up leg.

"That looks bad" Steve said to me, as I looked over at Maria who was applying a bandage to her forehead. "I was the closest to the window in the lab, basically absorbed all the shrapnel so you're welcome" I said as the paramedic pulled a shard of glass from my leg with some tweezers. "Yeah and I got the turbines up and running again so you're welcome" He countered with a smug smile. "That one was all me Capsicle" Tony said, walking over to us, free of his suit.

"How'd you do it?" I asked him, needing to be distracted from the foreign objects getting pulled out of me. "I pushed it manually" he shrugged, shoving his hands into his pant pockets. "And it didn't shred you?" I asked, knowing that the velocity the propellers went would be enough to kill someone.

"Obviously not" he replied, looking down his body. "That's a shame" I joked, cocking my head to the side. "Any word from Natasha?" I asked them, not having heard from her in a while.

"Both her and Agent Barton are in the medical wing" The paramedic that was tending to my leg said to me with a smile. I nodded my head, looking down at my smart watch, swiping it to the message option. I lifted it to my mouth, speaking into it. "You okay?" I said before looking back down at the watch, the words forming on the screen before sending to her.

"Agent Coulson is down" Fury said over the radios, sounding ultimately defeated. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking over at Steve to see if he was hearing what i'm hearing. I looked over at Maria who didn't know what we just heard, making conversation with the IT worker who was sitting next to her. "Paramedics are on their way" someone replied really quickly. "They're here" Fury sighed.

"They've called it" He added. I let out a breath, not thinking Coulson would have died today. "Meeting room in 30" he added before the line went quiet, all of speechless."Shit" I whispered, Steve's expression pretty much matching my own. "What?" Maria said, turning around and looking at me. "Did you hear from Fury?" She asked me, her cute now bandaged over.

"Yeah" Tony said from behind me, his hands still in his pockets and face blank. "What did he say?" She asked us, her face falling as she saw the disappointment on our faces.

"Coulson's dead"


A/N: so this was a really short chapter but I felt like I needed a filler because this story is going really fast and we have only just reached part 10 yet, so i'm going to be putting in a bunch of filler chapters here and there, sorry
anyway please vote and comment and I hope y'all have a lovely day/night

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