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"This is going to be hard, but i'll talk to her first, see how she is doing today" I told Steve, pushing the button and waiting for the elevator to come down to our floor, a few nurses walking behind us once in a while

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"This is going to be hard, but i'll talk to her first, see how she is doing today" I told Steve, pushing the button and waiting for the elevator to come down to our floor, a few nurses walking behind us once in a while. "Sometimes she has days when she's more lucid than others, we can never tell" I added, a chime dinging as the doors opened, causing both Steve and I to make our way into the elevator, me pushing the button for 2nd floor.

"It's okay" Steve said to me quietly, nodding his head as he looked up at me. "I'm strong" He added, nudging me with his arm as the elevator reached the 2nd floor, the doors opening, a nurse moving out of the way to let us past her, giving us awestruck looks in the meantime.

"Yeah, no need to brag" I said as we made our way down the hall, the noise of soft voices coming from rooms once in a while. "Cmon" I said, opening up the door on the left side, pushing it open to see Peggy sitting in the armchair next to the window, which was open and letting in a small breeze.

"Ally" She croaked, smiling at me before her eyes fell on Steve. Her smile dropped, blinking a few times before the smile returned back to her face. "Steve" She said as if she had just saw him yesterday, which she probably think she did.

"How are you guys?" She asked us as we made our way over to her, me pulling the chair from the wall in front of her before I sat down in it, Steve standing behind me with his hands on the back of my chair, nervous with what to do with his hands. "We are good, how about you?" I said to her, leaning forward in the chair slightly, crossing my legs.

"Fine, I haven't had lunch yet" Peggy said with a smirk, always joking around with me even though her memory was going. "You remember Steve?" I said, pointing to the blonde super soldier behind me. "Of course, I saw you guys yesterday" She said with a laugh, turning back to look out of the window to the busy street below.

I looked up at Steve who raised his eyebrows at me, before I looked back over at Peggy. "Yeah when we were?" I asked her, waiting for her to finish my sentence for me, as I clearly didn't know what she was talking about. "Just back from the mission" she said to me, looking back over to me.

She seemed to be less lucid than other days today, but she was happier, and obviously had managed to get out of her bed this morning, which was good. "Hi Peggy" Steve said from behind me, his voice soft and quiet as Peggy looked up at him. "Hello" She said with a small smile, causing me to roll my eyes lightly, but in reality I was loving it.

Just then the door opened, Josh poking his head in the sliver that he had opened the door. "Oh god" I said as I turned back around after I made eye contact with Josh, looking at Peggy who's smile was bright once again. "Hey, mum" Josh said as he closed to door, eyeing up Steve cautiously.

"Mom?" Steve repeated quietly, bending closer to me so I could here him. "Ally" Josh said to me, glee in his voice as I stood up, hugging him quickly. "How are you, Josh?" I asked him as I pulled away looking at Steve and looking back at Josh who raised his eyebrows at me before walking over to his mother, kissing her head as she smiled up at him.

"Joshua, how are you?" Peggy asked him, cupping the side of his face as he bent down beside him. "I've been good" Josh replied, melting into her touch, Peggy looking up at Steve and I, her smile dropping. "Steve?" She said to him, her eyes welling with tears as Josh stood up, standing behind her chair.

"Hey, Peggy" he said to her as she held her hand out, Steve walking over and taking her hand in his, a small smile on his face as she beamed up at him. "It's been a while" Peggy said with a laugh, causing me to chuckle lightly, Josh looking over at me and nodding his head towards Steve.

"Josh, this is Steve. Steve this is Josh, Peggy's son" I said pointing at both men, my eyebrows raised in anticipation of what would happen next. "Hi" Josh said, placing his hand in front of him which Steve shook firmly, a small smile on his face. "I told Dylan not to come" I whispered to Josh as Steve and Peggy spoke to one another, Peggy's memory now thrown back into the present.

"I'm not Dylan am I" Josh said to me as he took a seat on Peg's bed, pointing at himself as he told me it. "But you both look so similar" I remarked, a smirk on my as I joked with him. "Good one" he said back to me sarcastically, nodding his head slowly.

"Go talk to Steve" I told him quietly, nodding my head towards him in the process. "About what?" Josh answered, his volume just as judged as mines was. "Something you have in common"



A/N: I don't like this chapter that much or the way I ended it but i needed Steve meeting Peggy at some point so here it is.
I think i'm only going to write 2 more chapters for this book before moving onto the next one! So here's to Ebollium coming to a close!
Please vote and comment and i'll see you all soon

 I think i'm only going to write 2 more chapters for this book before moving onto the next one! So here's to Ebollium coming to a close! Please vote and comment and i'll see you all soon

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