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"Come on" Steve said from beside me nudging my thigh and running to the edge of the bridge, leaping off of the edge and jumping off, rolling onto the school bus that sat under it

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"Come on" Steve said from beside me nudging my thigh and running to the edge of the bridge, leaping off of the edge and jumping off, rolling onto the school bus that sat under it. I followed after him, landing on the top of the bus crouched before standing up again, running as blasts hit the bus behind me, causing it to blow up.

I jumped off of the side just in time, landing on the trunk of a car that also got hit by a blast, making it flip over. I jumped as far as I could on the run up I had behind me, having to flip before my feet hit the ground, another blast coming in behind me.

"Why are they only aiming for me?" I shouted as Steve ran in front of me, not getting hit or even shot at once. "Here" He said, throwing the shield up and hitting a flying aliens ship with it, causing it to blow up. As it fell from the sky I caught it in my free hand, turning around and deflected a blue blast as I turned and started running again, tossing the shield back to Steve like it was a Frisbee.

I leaned over the bonnet of a car after Steve, before my arm got caught in the torn metal, causing me to fall onto the ground with a grunt letting go of my staff which rolled away from me. I swore under my breath as an alien landed on the car, standing over me with its gun drawn.

"Steve is literally a wide open target" I shouted at it, rolling my eyes as I kicked its gun away from me, pushing my self off of the floor and kicking it back on the way up, landing omg my feet and drawing a pistol. I shot it once in the head, sending the bullet out the other side with blue blood squirting everywhere. There were cops trying to shoot at the flying soldiers above them while missing explosions left and right.

"You need to go, get out of here" I shouted to civilians who were climbing out of cars and running, covering their heads. Three aliens jumped off the buildings around me, I bent down and grabbed my staff, hitting one's chin with the end of it before pushing the button and jabbing it in the stomach, killing it. "I'm going to go talk to the police" Steve shouted back at me, jumping from a flipped taxi to the top of one of the police cars in front of the squad, barking orders at them.

I grunted as I repeatedly hit two aliens on either side of me with my staff, having to spin it and turn taking turns to hit each of them. I unclicked the magnets that split the staff up, holding both sides in either hand, whacking each alien. They shrieked as I electrified them, which was ear splitting to say the least. I hit another one running towards me in the legs, holding it down with my foot as I hit it in the face with a baton. I clicked the batons back to my back, hoping from car to car till I was back under the bridge, jumping as high as I could and grabbing onto the edge of the bridge, hailing myself over the edge and landing on my feet easily.

Above us we saw Tony fire at the large flying thing, sending multiple bullets into its sides. Steve came from under the bridge, helping Clint take down four aliens which were circling him easily. As the alien turned around to follow Stark it rammed into two buildings, sending glass and bricks down onto the street below.

Out of nowhere blast of lighting took out 6 different soldiers all at once, Thor landing next to me, his hammer in hand and cape blowing in the wind. "What's the story upstairs?" Steve asked him as I reached down to an alien pulling an arrow out of it and handing it back to Clint, who was already retrieving old arrows for reuse.

"The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable" Thor replied, blowing some hair out of his face as he looked over at Steve. "Thor's right, we gotta deal with these guys" Tony said to us, hearing his suit fire more missiles somewhere above us in the sky. "Okay, how do we do that?" I asked, helping Clint pull another arrow from a corpse, holding it down with my foot as he pulled it out, fixing the arrow head quickly.

"As a team" Steve said to me with a nod, making me roll my eyes at his optimism, not that I didn't exactly agree with him. "Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need, without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us-" Steve started one of his tear jerking speeches before getting interrupted by the hum of a motorcycle.

We all turned to look, Bruce riding in on a motorcycle, his clothes dirty and torn. I looked over at Clint who raised his eyebrows quickly before I turned away. "Tony, we've found him" I said into the network, Bruce getting off the bike and walking closer to us, fiddling with his hands.

"So, this seems horrible" he said shyly, looking around at the mess around us. "I've seen worse" Natasha said snarky, nodding her head at him as a greeting. "Sorry about that" He said with an apologetic face, clearly feeling bad about the destruction he had made on the ship.

"Banner?" Stark asked me, to which I hummed in reply, looking over at Bruce who smiled weakly at me. "Tell him to suit up, I'm bringing the party to you" Tony told me, making me relay the message onto everyone else.

We all heard the screech as Tony came into view, being chased by the large flying alien, causing us all to square out shoulders slightly. "I don't see how that's a party" Natasha said under her breath, gaining a death glare from Steve. "Dr Banner, this would be a good time to suit up" Steve said to Bruce, who was already walking towards the 'party'.

"That's my secret Captain, I'm always angry" He said before turning around, his body starting to swell, ripping straight through his clothes. In a split second the Hulk was here and ready to smash, which would be super helpful right now.

As the alien came towards us, hitting buildings and cars in its path, it collided with Hulks fist, grinding it to a stop as it ripped up the concrete it was scraping off of. As he held it in place Tony fires a middle at it, causing it to blow up. Steve wrapped his arm around my shoulder, turning us both around and covering us with his shield, which bounced debris away from the pair of us. The rest of the aliens body flipped over, falling off the bridge.

The aliens on the sides of the building and on the streets below started screaming at us, causing us all to take a step back, instinctively forming a circle, all of us facing out towards the battle.

And in that moment, we finally felt like a team.

We finally felt like The Avengers.


A/N: So I know you guys are probably enjoying the battle scenes as much as I am, which isn't very much, but i promise it'll all end soon, it's just that this book is very short.
I could sit here and moan about how short this book is going to be for another authors note but I won't be.
Sooo, vote and comment and i'll love you forever

 Sooo, vote and comment and i'll love you forever

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