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I sighed as I made my way down the halls, stepping to the side to let an IT worker in their blue uniform past me with a smile

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I sighed as I made my way down the halls, stepping to the side to let an IT worker in their blue uniform past me with a smile. I turned a corner, seeing Steve in his spangly uniform at the end of the hall. "Steve" I shouted, causing him to stop, turning around and seeing me, a small smile on his face.

"Where are you going?" I asked him, running to catch up with him. "To investigate" He said simply as we walked side by side, making our way to the stairwell and down to the hulll. "Alright Sherlock, you need to calm down" I said, walking down the stairs behind him. "As much as I hate to admit it, Tony's right, there's some stuff not adding up" Steve said, the metal stairs creaking beneath us.

"You don't think that if something was going on I would know" I said, trailing behind him as he opened the door that led to all of the storage rooms in the underbody of the ship. "It only takes 1 to form a secret" Steve said, walking up to the door at the end of the corridor, looking at the door for a minute. I could clearly see he was trying to find a way in, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Here" I said, reaching forward and setting my thumb onto the fingerprint reader, the light moving down my thumb, making sure I was allowed to be here. There was a beeping noise, a little camera ejecting from the wall. I put my face in front of it, the camera reading my retinas, the air seal on the door breaking audibly. "There's perks of being a level 10" I said, the door opening automatically.

The room was weirdly silent, the buzzing of the lights the only noise filling the air. I grabbed onto a railing, pulling myself up and into the walkway, jumping j we the railing without a noise. Steve followed suit, doing the same and landing behind me."What are we looking for?" I asked Steve, waking forward and looking at the boxes that sat on the warehouse style shelves. "I don't know, just find a box that looks suspicious and open it" He said shrugging his shoulders.

"Okay" I relied, nodding my head, looking at all of the boxes, trying to find something. "Oh here, Phase 2" I said, walking forward to a large box. "Fury keeps mentioning it, I tried to look for it in the files but I found nothing. Maria doesn't know exactly what it is, yet she's been doing work for it all year" I said, grabbing each handle on either side of the box, pulling it off of the shelf and into the walkway.

I undid the claps on the box, lifting the lid, revealing a silver gun, which looked very futuristic. "They are making weapons" I scoffed, lifting it out of the box.
"Cmon" He said, taking the gun from my hands, walking back the way we came. I looked at him walk away and back down at the box, debating if I should put it back where it belongs.

"Screw it"


"Phase 2 is SHIELD using the cube to make weapons" Steve said, dropping the gun onto the metal table. I walked into the room, Fury already there having an argument with Tony.

"Sorry, the computer was moving a little slow" Steve said to Tony, who was clicking buttons on his screen. "Rogers, we gathered everything related to the Tesseract. This does not mean that we're-" Fury started in his defence before being cut off by Tony.
"I'm sorry, Nick" Tony said before swinging the screen around, showing off a plan for weapons. "What were you lying?" he said smugly, tilting his head to the side.

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