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"Okay, I'll come see you one weekend" I said into my phone, leaning against the wall outside of Clints medical room

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"Okay, I'll come see you one weekend" I said into my phone, leaning against the wall outside of Clints medical room. "Say hello to Coops and Lila for me" I said with a smile, shoving my free hand into my jacket pocket, propping my foot up against the wall.

I looked up the hallway to the footsteps which were getting closer to me, Steve walking towards me with a hardened look on his face. "I'll talk to you later, bye" I said quickly before hanging up on Laura before Steve could hear us talking, putting my phone back into my pocket and smiling at him as he made his way towards me.

"Who was that?" he asked me, standing in the other side of the corridor, leaning against the wall. "No one" I said briefly, shaking my head as I tucked a stray piece of my hair behind my ear. "Is he okay?" Steve asked me, nodding his head towards Clint's room. "Yeah, he's back to himself" I replied, nodding my head. "What do you think about it?" Steve asked me, looking up at me from the floor.

"What?" I asked, tipping my head back and leaning it against the wall. "The whole team thing" Steve clarified, crossing his arms, his blue t-shirt a little too tight, as his arms flexed, like all of his clothes seemed to be. "I signed up for it" I replied, shrugging my shoulders, not entirely sure on how to reply to his question. "We aren't a team, every single one of us knows it" I added, pursing my lips. "You and I both know what it takes to be a good team, and I don't think screaming at each other in a lab is on the requirement list" I said, running my hand over my face with a sigh.

"We owe it to Coulson" Steve said to me as i ran my tongue over my teeth, thinking about what to say. "We owe it to the whole damn world" I snapped, holding my hands next to my face defensively. "Loki isn't going to wipe out a city and then decide that's enough for him" I spat at him, annoyance lacing my voice.

Steve didn't say anything for a minute, looking down at his shoes once again. "I'd love to stand here and pretend we are one big happy team, but if we are going to stop Loki we need to fix that as soon a possible" I said after a minute, Steve still looking at the floor. "What do you propose?" he finally said after a moment. "That we put our differences aside and act like we at least like each other for the time being" I said to him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Can I meet him?" Steve said nodding towards the door to my right. "I'm not his mother" I said shrugging my shoulder and opening the door, Nat and Clint sitting in the bed next to each other. "Nice to meet you" Steve said, sticking his hand out in front of Clint. "Hawkeye" Clint said deeply, trying to show off for Steve, shaking his hand quickly.

"No one calls you that Clint" I said, scrunching up my face in mockery. "Steve Rogers" Steve replied with a small smile. "How are you feeling?" Steve asked him, smiling weakly at Nat quickly which was returned by her. "Better" Clint said roughly, scratching his shoulder slowly. "You don't happen to know-" Steve started before being cut off by Clint. "Where he went? No" he said as he shook his head my eyes shifting back towards Steve.

"We need to stop him" I sighed, crossing my arms as I let out another deep sigh. "Who's we?" Clint asked me. "Whoever's left" I said shrugging my shoulders, looking at Steve who also shrugged his shoulders back at me. "Any word on Banner or Thor?" Nat asked me, looking down at her watch quickly before looking back up at me. "Nope, not since the fight" I replied shaking my head.

"And what does Stark think?" she followed up, causing me to scoff. "What do you think Tony thinks?" I answered, cocking my head to the side. "I mean I've seen many odd things in my life, but I think Alien Army might top them all" I said, using my hand and swiping the air as I said the words. "Ditto" Natasha said quietly, silence filling the air once again. "I should get going, good to meet you" Steve said after a minute, smiling at Clint before opening the door, beginning to walk out.

"I'll come with you" I said moving my head towards the door a bit so he could hear me before turning back to Clint and Nat. "I called Laura and told her you were okay, she said to come home when you could" I said to him, a faint smile on my face. "That probably won't be for a while will it?" he asked me, rubbing his hands together.

"Probably not"


A/N: so i'm not a fan of this chapter, but as I have said before i'm trying to shove in a bunch of filler chapters because this book is going to be really short if I don't.
But please vote and comment and i'll see y'all later

 But please vote and comment and i'll see y'all later

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