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I sat in Fury's office, slouched in a chair, fiddling with a pen in my hand

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I sat in Fury's office, slouched in a chair, fiddling with a pen in my hand. I spun it round my fingers, no noise filling the large room except from the clicking clock on the wall.  I sighed, throwing the pen onto his desk as I leaned my head back, staring up at the blank ceiling.

"Here" Fury said, walking into the room as closing the door harshly behind him. He walked  over to me, dropping a file onto my lap, causing me to snap up straight once again. "Barton got compromised?" I asked him, after hearing that from Maria on our way back to the base, my voice laced with worry and demand.

He nodded his head, leaning back in his leather chair, clasping his hands in front of him as he looked at me pointedly. "What is this?" I asked, looking down at the file opening it up, reading the first page. I looked back up at Fury, my eyebrows scrunched in confusion as I looked back down at it again.

The Avengers Initiative

"I'm putting together a team, people with the strengths and capabilities that can take down Loki and whatever follows him to get the tesseract back" he explained to me as I flipped the pages over, the same layout for the first few of them. There was file sheets for all of Nat, Steve, Clint and I, out pictures in the corner with our names typed out along the top of the page, the ink slightly fading on mines. You would have thought that SHIELD would have changed their file sheets in the 50 years they've been open.

The next few sheets were for both Tony Stark and Bruce Banner, two people on SHIELDs radar, Tony being a familiar face as his picture stared back at me. "And you want me in the team?" I asked, looking up at him from the file. "Yes, and I need you to talk to Rogers, Romanoff has already gone to India to try and recruit Banner. Coulson is going to talk to Stark tonight" He clarified, spinning in his chair from side to side slightly as I looked back up at him.

"You just assumed I'd be up for it" I said, flipping through the file once again, scrunching my noise and shrugging my shoulders. "Well, I've never known for you to turn down a mission" he replied, leaning forward and placing his elbows on the table . "I've never gone up against a space god before" I scoffed, shaking my head lightly.

"Up for a challenge?" Fury grumbled, one eyebrow raised. I sighed, closing the file and setting it back on the desk, looking back at Fury with one of my eyebrows raised.

"When am I never?"


I leaned against the doorway leading into the old gym, the loud thumping of Steve's hits against the punching bag ringing against the walls. I watched him as he repeatedly punched the bag, his jaw clenched as I watched him with soft eyes, pushing myself off of the frame.

"Couldn't sleep?" I asked him, causing him to look over at me as I walked into the room, holding his hand out to stop the bag from hitting into him. He looked away from me, continuing to punch the bag as I walked into the room, holding the file in my hand behind my back.

"I was asleep for 70 years Al, I don't think I need anymore of it" He said, sending one final blow into the punching bag, causing it to fly over the room, landing roughly after hitting the wall. "Wow, calm down" I said, putting the file down on the table that sat against the wall, leaning against it with crossed arms. "I'm assuming you're here for a reason" He said jokingly, smiling over at me as he picked up another punching bag, easily lifting it up and hooking it to the ceiling.

"Can I not just come and visit my old friend?" I asked him, causing him to turn around and stare at me with folded arms. I sighed, rubbing my lips together as I cocked my head to the side. "Okay, here" I said, grabbing the file and holding it out to him, Steve taking it from my hand and holding it in his. "Remember the tesseract?" I asked him as he opened the file, the mission briefing sitting there.

He nodded his head slowly, reading the file. "Howard recovered it from the ocean a while ago, and someone has stolen it" I said, causing him to look up to me with his eyebrows raised wanting more information. "He's called Loki. He's not from around here, there's a lot we'll have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. The world has gotten even stranger than you already know" I said nodding my head slowly.

"You and I both know that thing isn't something to be messed with" Steve said, closing the file and putting it on the table next to me, folding his arms over his chest. "One of us more than others" I replied, looking down at my feet. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make your situation seem incomparable to mines" I said jokingly with a smile.

"I had to fly a plane into an ocean because of it" Steve countered, tilting his head to the side, looking at me with a straight face, causing me to crack a smile. "Technically, that wasn't the tesseract fault" I said in a sing-song voice, pointing my finger at him as I shook my head lightly. "But if Schmidt never got the tesseract none of it would of happened" Steve retorted back to me. "Okay, good point" I said quickly, admitting defeat, not wanting to fight with him right now.

"So you'll do it?" I asked him, walking over to him and grabbing the file from his hand, holding it behind his back and looking up at him with a pouted bottom lip.

"Yes, I will"


A/N: And here's part 1!! and she's officially an Avenger!
So this is the start of Ebollium, and the name will be explained later on in the book I promise. So this book is going to happen over the course of Avengers, if you didn't guess that already lol.
But if you could vote and comment, I would appreciate it so much.

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