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I scanned my smart watch over the key pad that sat on the wall outside of my door in the living quarters, the door clicking open

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I scanned my smart watch over the key pad that sat on the wall outside of my door in the living quarters, the door clicking open. I pushed the door open, letting Steve go into the room before me. My room on the hellicarrier wasn't much, but I did have some possessions, as this was the room I spent most of my time in.

My bed sat in the corner with the navy blue sheet crumpled on top, the large window showing nothing but sky as we flew. Steve looked around the room, his eyes falling on the bed side table. There sat a picture of Steve, Peggy, Bucky and I all in our green military uniforms, smiles on our faces.

"I've not seen this one of us before" He said, picking up the frame. "I can make a copy of it for you" I said, taking my shoes off quickly, and hoping onto my bed. "Here" I said, taking the three picture frames off of the wall above my headboard and sitting down on the edge of my bed, balancing them on my legs.

Steve took a seat down next to me, looking down at the frames. "It's the trading cards I was talking about" I said, passing him the frame that had the Captain America card in it. There was a cartoon drawing of Captain America in his 1940s uniform, shield and all. "I didn't even know they made these" Steve said with a small smile, taking another frame from me, my card sitting in it. I had my old uniform on, my batons strapped to my back, if there was one thing I missed about HYDRA, it was those batons.

"They are limited edition, I bought them in the 80s at some vinyl store" I said, looking down at the last frame I had on my lap. "Is that-" Steve started, looking down at the same one I was. "Yeah" I said, trailing my hand over the remaining card I had. The cartoon picture of Bucky sat looking back at us, in the famous leather jacket and his rifle in hand. "Here, I'll let you look at it" I said, handing it off to him, reaching around and grabbing the other two frames to put them back up on the wall, Steve's going in the middle and mines on the left.

"I'm pretty sure Coulson paid like $300 for his" I said, taking Bucky's frame from Steve, hanging it back up on the nail. "Do you miss him?" Steve asked me as I plonked back down on the bed. "Coulson? I saw him 5 minutes ago" I said, knowing who he was asking about, but not wanting to talk about it. "Bucky" He said quietly, bowing his head. Every time someone said his name it sent shivers down my spine, bringing back memories I never knew it existed.

I took a deep breath in, letting it out slowly. "Yeah" I replied finally, nodding my head. "If there was one thing that I wasn't lying about on that mission, it was Bucky" I said, nodding my head slowly. "He used to keep a picture of you in his wallet, as much as he made fun of me for putting Peg in my compass, there's an equally as pretty picture of you in his wallet" Steve said with a somber smile.

That made me smile like an idiot, letting my hair fall over my face to disguise it. The mention of Peggy also made me sad.Dylan had to move out to Washington to stay with Peg, who's health was deteriorating by the month. I hadn't even told Steve that Peggy was still alive, deciding to break the news to him later.

"Well your compass was pretty dorky" I said with a small chuckle. "You literally have a picture of me next to your bed" He scoffed, pointing at my picture frame. "I'm in it too, it's a group photo" I countered him. "Little self conceded don't you think, a picture of yourself" He said tilting his head to the side and staring at me.

"Right, the picture can either be of you or of me not both" I said with a laugh, laying back on my bed, Steve doing the same next to me. "I'm glad you're here with me Al" He breathed out, staring at the ceiling, which I was doing too.

"I'm glad to be here with you Steve"


A/N: So here's a little filler chapter to show you that they are still really good friends, and Steve has forgiven Ally as compared to the end of Red Room.
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 Not much to say, but please vote and comment and I'll see you soon

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