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"Call it Cap" Tony told Steve as more aliens entered the atmosphere, now more than before, hundreds coming done to kill or fight

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"Call it Cap" Tony told Steve as more aliens entered the atmosphere, now more than before, hundreds coming done to kill or fight. I scoffed, slightly scared, which was an emotion I barely was, but aliens were a little out of my normal target.

"Alright, listen up, until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment" Steve told us, turning around and pointing at us. "Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays".

"Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or your turn it to ash" He told Tony, who looked over at Clint. "Can you give me a lift?" Clint asked, stapling his bow to his back quickly.

"Better clench up, Legolas" Tony said holding the back of Clint's suit, taking off and disappearing into the air. "Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow them down, you've got the lightning. Light the bastards up" Steve said to Thor before he started swinging Mjolnir which lifted him off the ground, heading towards the portal to keep it contained.

"Us three will say on the ground, keep fighting here" Steve said nodding to both Nat and I before turning to Hulk. "And Hulk, smash" As soon as he said that Hulk growled, leaping off the ground and landing on the side of a building, ripping off a few soldiers in the process, sending them smacking into the concrete.

Steve, Nat and I stayed on the bridge, killing one alien after another, more just taking their place. I had electrocuted so many at this point the amount of electricity I had used could probably power the whole of the city for a few days. One had managed to claw at my cheek before I killed it, which close ed it grip a little. I quickly ran my fingers over the gas, deep red blood covering my dirty fingers.

"None of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't get that portal closed" Natasha shouted at the two of us as she used her Widow gauntlet to kill an alien. "Our biggest guns couldn't reach it" I replied, throwing a soldier off of the bridge, Tony shooting it mid air before it could make it to the ground.

"Maybe it isn't about guns" She said looking at me, pointing at the flying chariots above us. "If your going to get up there, you're going to need a ride" I told her, pointing over at Steve who ripped about an alien easily. "Give me a boost?" Natasha asked him, standing at the other side of the bridge, giving her a decent run up.

"You sure about this?" He said, readjusting his shield on his arm, squaring down a little bit to be more steady. "Yeah, it'll be fun" She replied as I watched her run towards Steve, leaping onto a car before reaching Steve's shield.

He pushed her up as she spun, gripping onto a chariot that zoomed away, holding onto the back of it as it did so. "It's just you and me now" I said turning to Steve, lowering my staff down to my side, looking over at the 20 aliens coming towards us, their demonic faces screeching at us.

He nodded at me seriously before running forward, jumping into the air and conking one in the head with his shield before smacking another few straight after.    "Tony, can you lend us a hand?" I said as I followed suit, running and jumping onto a soldier, pushing the end of my staff into its face.

Stark flew down, landing next to Steve, firing a few times before using his hand boosters and firing at Steve's shield. The blast bounced off of it, reflecting the beam as it took out multiple aliens before Tony took off once again, leaving all the aliens that were attacking us dead.

"Captain, the band on 42nd pat Madison, they've got a bunch of civilians up there" Clint said over the network, as I looked over at Steve. "I can handle this, go save them" I said to him, keeping my distance from the few aliens that were rocking towards me, firing at them with my pistols. "I know you do" He said to me before flipping away. I continued fighting, having to dodge the shots coming from above as well.

One aliens launched itself at me, knocking me over onto my back as it stood over me. I grabbed my staff which was on the floor next to me, holding it between me and the creature. It screeched as it pushed against my staff, getting closer to me. It's breath was disgusting against my face, clearly they don't have mouthwash in space.

"Geez, you need a mint" I scoffed, using my knee to kick the aliens forward as I pushed it off of me and flipping it over my head, twisting it's neck in the meantime. "And a neck brace" I added, standing up to see an alien coming straight towards me.

It got knocked off of its feet as Thor took his place in front of me, summoning lightening from the clouds and slamming his hammer into the ground, sending bolts of lightening to all the creatures making their way towards me. He looked at me and smiled weakly before swinging Mjolnir in front of him and taking off with the momentum.

I made a mental note in my head to thank him later, because frankly I was getting a little tired off having to kill these aliens already. "Can anyone hear me? I think I can close the portal" Natasha's voice said through the network causing me to scoff, impressed that she found a way to stop the aliens from reaching earth.

"Do it" Steve shouted down the line, clearly fighting as he was talking. "Yeah, stop these bitches from getting in please" I said, running forward while firing at more creatures gaining on me. "I can shut it down" Natasha told us once again, confirming she could do it.

"Do it" Both Steve and I shouted simultaneously. "No stop, wait" Tony told her, his voice laced with worry. "I've got a nuke coming in" Stark told us, causing my eyes to widen.

"Like a nuclear bomb kind of nuke?" I asked, needing clarification, the fact that a nuke was coming to one of the largest cities in the world a bit shocking. "Yes, a nuclear bomb" Stark told me, causing my eyes to widen even more, if it was possible. "Stark, these things are still coming in" Steve said in plea as I looked up at the portal, sure enough still piling out aliens.

"It's gonna blow in less than a minute, and I know just where to put it"


A/N: So the battle is coming to an end, you'll be happy to know, and then there will be some nice scenes between Ally and the other avengers until Book 3!
I know that these chapters are becoming very repetitive, because I can feel it while writing it, the amount of times i've said 'alien' and 'blasts' is a lot trust me. But they will end eventually, so please keep reading.
Please vote and comment and i'll see y'all later

 Please vote and comment and i'll see y'all later

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