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I ran down the hall with the living quarters on it, running up to the door next to mine, banging on the door with my palm, continuing to do it until Steve opened the door, his eyebrows furrowed at me in confusion to why I was knocking on his door ...

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I ran down the hall with the living quarters on it, running up to the door next to mine, banging on the door with my palm, continuing to do it until Steve opened the door, his eyebrows furrowed at me in confusion to why I was knocking on his door so angrily.

"Knock down the door why don't you" He said to me, looking at me before changing his expression. "What's up?" he said to me letting go on the door and leaning on the frame. "Leave them on" I said, looking down at his legs to see he was still in his lower half of his uniform, his red boots still clad on his feet. "Why?" he said looking down at his boots like I was.

"Just suit up, i'll be back in a tick" I relied, sliding over to my door and scanning my watch before bathing into the room and practically ripping the closest door off of its hinges and pulling out a new mission suit, smiling as I threw it onto the bed.


I grabbed another pistol from the armoury, setting it in my second holster before setting extra ammunition in the pocket behind it. "You need anything?" I said to Steve, who was standing at the door, looking at the amount of weapons that sat on walls.

"No" he said quietly, watching as I filled up another gun setting it in the top of my boot. "One more thing and we can go" I said walking up to the blank wall and pushing my hand into the edge, the scan scanning my prints before the wall opened up, leading to an extra room which contained all of the special weapons.

I walked into it, the lights automatically flickering on. I looked at the three sets of batons that sat behind glass, scanning my thumb which made the glass slide away, letting me choose which ones I wanted.
I decided on the middle ones, which had electrified ends at the click of a button, the same voltage as a very large taser. I clicked them onto the magnets that were on the back of my black mission suit,

"Okay now we can go" I said as the walls materialised behind me again, concealing the room once again. "What just happened" Steve said to me, his mouth a little open as he pointed at the wall behind me. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" I asked him, making my way to the door and leaving the armoury, Steve closely behind me. "No, I just need my shield" He said, motioning towards the shield which sat on his forearm.

"Right" I said, nodding my head quickly. "You know, the first rule of hand to hand is to never leave your legs free, and your dinner plate over here does exactly that" I said, slapping the metal lightly with the back of my hand. "They are your true weakness" I added with a smirk, taking a turn that led us to the medical wing. The door to Clint's room opened as we got to it, Nat still sitting up on the bed and Clint visible through the bathroom door which was crooked open.

"Hey guys we need to go" I said, Clint turning around and walking out of the bathroom. "Go where?" Natasha said to me, hopping off of the table, looking quickly at Steve who had his helmet on before looking back at me. "New York, I need someone to fly the jet with me" I said to them. "I'll do it" Clint said before Natasha could say anything, which cause her to look over at him.

"Are you up for it?" She asked him, a concerned look on her face. "Yeah, always" he said with a firm nod, looking back at me.

"Suit up"


The 4 of us walked through the hanger, making our way to one of the jets that were always prepared to be used in case of an emergency.

We walked up the ramp quickly, an Agent standing up from his position of fixing something under one of the chairs, looking at us quizzically. "Hey" He said walking towards us with his hand outstretched, trying to stop us from coming any further. "You guys aren't authorised to be here" he said as we stopped in front of him. "Son, just don't" Steve said, shaking his head at the agent.

"I'm authorised to go anywhere, so I'll see you at your next assessment" I said with a smirk, waving lightly. He looked at me and back at Steve before sighing, turning and picking up the box of tools he was using before leaving the jet with a sigh. "Okay cool" I said running forward and taking a seat in the pilots chair, setting my hand on the pad. "Agent Alyona Ivankova" The automated voice said before Clint put his hand on the one in front of the other pilots chair.

"Agent Clinton Barton" The voice then said as we got ready for take off. "Are you sure you're up for this? Nat can do it" I said quietly, turning to Clint. "No, I can do it Ally" He said to me, smiling reassuringly before turning back to the front and clicking a few buttons and switches, one which closed the ramp before anyone else could object to us being on the jet.

I looked behind me, seeing both Steve and Natasha sitting opposite each other. "You guys might want to strap in"


A/N: another short chapter but they are on their way to New York, and this book is going to be so short, so the amount of filler chapters I have squeezed in is genuinely quite a bit.
I also won't finish this book at the end of Avengers there will be some bonus parts in between the Avengers and CA: Winter Soldier.
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