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I pulled my ID card out of my pocket as I made my way into the lobby of the DC headquarters, the security guard nodding at me, letting me through into the corridor with multiple elevators

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I pulled my ID card out of my pocket as I made my way into the lobby of the DC headquarters, the security guard nodding at me, letting me through into the corridor with multiple elevators.

"Ally" I heard someone shout from behind me, Rumlow running to catch up with me. "Rumlow" I said bluntly, nodding my head at him as I pushed the button for the elevator. "You seen this?" he said to me, handing his phone to me.

There was a news article pulled up from the Daily Bugle, the headline reading, EXCLUSIVE PICTURES OF EBOLLIUM FIGHTING ALIENS INTRUDERS. Under it sat pictures of one of the creatures pinning me to the floor, the next showing me fighting back. The pictures looked like they had been taken from someone running, the quality slightly blurry.

"Ebollium?" I questioned, scrolling down to read the article. Pictures taken by a fleeing civilian show Avenger Ebollium fighting off a horrid creature trying to kill her.

"Must be your new superhero nickname" He said as the bell dung, the doors opening as we both walked into the elevator. I handed him his phone back, pushing my hands into my leather jackets pockets. "Huh" I remarked, leaning against the railing that lined the back of the glass window.

"The whole world seemed to forget about the name Alyona Ivankova" He said to me, crossing his arms over his chest, his black t-shirt tight, why did every agent seem to wear shirts 2 sizes too small for them?

"Because no one outside of SHIELD knows about Alyona Ivankova, I'm still Allison Cooper" I replied in a matter of fact tone, one eyebrow raised. "Oh yeah" he said with a small laugh, looking down at the floor.

"Well, I guess your Ebollium now" He said as the elevator stopped at his floor, Rumlow making his way to the door. "See you later, Alyona" He said gruffly before the door could close, leaving me alone in the elevator.

I rolled my eyes, leaning back onto the glass. No one outside of SHIELD knew me as Alyona, everyone just thinking that Allison Cooper has managed to become immortal somehow. Well no one had really known I was still alive until two weeks ago, footage of the Avengers going viral, now apparently Allison was world famous, or should I say Ebollium.

The elevator opened the door once again to the 36th floor. I sighed, tapping my ring on the metal bar before leaving the elevator, scanning my watch on the keypad outside of my office. I opened the door once the lock clicked open, walking round the back of my desk.

I sat down, taking my jacket off and throwing it on the chair that sat against the wall on my left. I looked to my right, the floor to ceiling windows letting in an enormous amount of light. I started at the city of Washington DC for a minute, still taking it in.

The clouds moved quickly, running away with the wind. Cars drove over the bridge that led to and from the compound, people in them coming to work and leaving to work. The water on each side of the bridge was flowing round the building, each wave crashing against the next.

I took a deep breath in, turning to face my desk, a new stack of paper work sitting on it. I'd been here exactly 2 weeks and apparently the month that I had taken off had bombarded me with work to do. I opened my top drawer, pulling out a pen, staring at the sheet of paper in front of me.

"Miss Ivankova?" A voice rung out from outside followed with a knock on the door, causing me to look up. "Yes?" I said as the small intern opened the door weakly, poking her head in. "You have a meeting at 10 with Pierce and Fury" She told me, running forward and setting a piece of paper on my desk.

"Okay, thank you" I said as she turned to leave. "Hey, could you grab me a cappuccino?" I asked her before she closed the door, she turned around and chirped in acknowledgement, closing the door and leaving me alone once again.

A directors meeting was held once every month, the highest ranked agents within SHIELD sitting in a room and talking, or shouting, for an hour. Not my favourite way to spend my time.

I was originally offered the position of Director after Peggy retired, but I declined it, the job getting past onto Keller, a level 9 agent at the time. I didn't want to have the responsibility of running an organisation on my shoulders, especially when it was so controversial that an ex-Russian spy was taken into the ranks.

I still held my level 10 clearance level, which was the same as both Fury and Pierce. I was still involved in all the decision making and meetings, just Fury did all the paperwork. No matter how much they offered me I didn't take the job, I liked being out on the field, it was what I was raised to do.

There was the same knock on the door, the girl walking in, balancing a mug in her hand as she set it on my desk with a smile. "Anything else?" she asked me as she turned to face me before leaving the room.

"Tell them I won't be at the meeting at 10"


A/N: So I just realised that I never actually said why this book was called Ebollium, so here you go. I know it's a bit of a dumb way to reveal it but I couldn't think of another way so oh well.
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