Part 20

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My hands gently glide over the naked skin of her back, letting them travel right down, over the bare curve of her bum, to rest on the back of her thigh as i press a soft kiss to her shoulder blade.

A small smile curves onto her deep red, swollen lips as she peeks her eyes open slightly, letting them adjust to the new morning light. 'Morning, Beautiful' i whisper, pressing a kiss to her cheek.

She rolls onto her side to face me, pulling the white sheet just above her hips, leaving her chest completely exposed to me as she presses a soft kiss to my lips. 'Morning' she mumbles, moving closer to nuzzle into my neck.

I wrap my arms around her, pulling her body against mine and letting out a sigh of contentment.

I couldn't explain this moment with any other word then Perfect. It was completely perfect. My girl was back, Naked and in my arms. I mean, this moment would be perfect even if we were fully clothed, but the fact that we were both bare, Skin against skin, was the most perfect feeling in the world.

'I missed you' i breath, resting my chin on top of her head gently. 'I missed you' she replies, pressing a kiss to my jaw before she moves her head back onto the pillow, her eyes starring into mine.

'Hungry?' i ask, she nods her head. 'Yeah, are you going to cook for me?' she giggles, i give her a small nod before pressing my lips to the tip of her nose.

'Of course im going to cook for you, baby' i state before slidding out of the bed although she lets out a noise of complaint. 'Its cold!' she exclaims, pulling the sheet up to her chin, I smirk, chucking my shirt onto the bed before slipping my Briefs up my legs.

'Maybe you should put cloths on' i chuckle, she huffs, shitting up and pulling her knees into her chest, 'you really want me to get dressed?' she asks as i walk towards the door, stopping as i open it. 'I wouldn't dream of it' i state before walking out, closing the door behind me.

I manage to actually make eatable pancakes from what little bit of food me and Keats actually brung up here, luckily having some syrup for them as well.

Chloe had joined me after putting some underwear and my shirt on, As well as Keaton who decided he wanted pancakes to, obviously the both of them decided it was team up and pick on Wes day because i had to make it all.

'You know, we have the day off today, maybe we should go explore?' Keaton grins, Chloe nodding along as she looks over to me, 'did you want to babe, or did you wanna stay here?' i question, she shrugs. 'there isn't really much to do here.. i'd be fine with going exploring' she grins, finishing off her breakfast before setting her fork and knife down.

'Ok, no worries. We'll get ready and go then?' i speak, recieving a nod from both of them. Luckily i wasn't stuck washing up, We both managed to get Keaton to as we go and get dressed.

Within half an hour we were all out of the hotel and walking down the streets in Mexico.

*Chloe's POV*

'Where are you?!' Marly exclaims, I bite down on my bottom lip, shifting to sit cross legged against the headboard. 'Mexico..' i trail off, 'Mexico?! Your in Mexico?! what the hell are you doing there?!' she shouts.

'Im uh..' i frown, looking around the room as she takes in a deep breath, we both stay silent for a few minutes before she speaks. 'Isn't is just funny how Emblem3 are in Mexico right now.. and oh.. so are you' she says, sarcasmn rolling thick through her tone.

'So what, Marly. Im with Wesley.' i state, i hear her groan under her breath, 'Why the hell are you with Wesley?!' she exclaims, i wince slightly before answering. 'Because, he needed me, Marly.' i say.

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