Part 35

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thats all i could hear, i was tired of the ringing in my ears.

the blackness of my sight, everything was black.

Today.. mumbled voices rung through, shinning over the ringing. I was happy with it, even if they were hard to understand.

'Wes' someone whimpers. Chloe. i could hear her voice no matter what, i think my brain just knew it was her, it knew it had to listen.

'Please, baby. please wake up' she cries. Feeling shoots through my hand, hers slides into mine, squeezing it slightly. I try and smile at the feeling of her warmth although i can't move, nor open my eyes to let her know i was still here.

'I need you, this baby needs you' she continues, her fingers slidding between mine and closing around my hand. I try with all the energy i had to close my fingers to although nothing moves.

i try everything that i could think of, saying different things, attempting to move any part of my body although nothing happens. I frow frustrate, letting out a defeated whimper.

Chloe's hand tightens around mine, 'Wes?' she asks.

*Chloe's POV*

'what kind of noise did he make?' The doctor asks, i sigh as i sit down in the seat beside his bed, 'i told you, he just made a small whimpering sound.' i state, he nods, scribbling down on the clip board he was holding.

'His brain has been showing signs of activity within the last few hours, His probably able to hear what your saying now although he can't do anything, His body is trying to wake up but his not healed enough for it, that could be why he whimpered.' he says.

I nod my head, reaching over and grabbing Wes' hand once more. 'we're expecting him to wake up soon, his body is beginning to function more normal, he can wake up anyday now' he finishes, he fusses around for a few minutes before leaving the room, closing the door once more and leaving me alone with Wes.

I sigh before standing up, pushing the side bar down on the bed so im able to lean over, pressing my lips to his cold cheek as a single tear slips from my eye. 'Please, Wesley. Wake up' i beg, pressing another kiss to the corner of his mouth.

'I need you to wake up' i plead, pressing a kiss to his frozen lips before i sit back down, keeping my hand in his.

'Our baby is about 5cm's now.. the doctor said it will be starting to form its face now, we're 12 weeks along, Babe. its getting closer and closer' i begin, placing my hand on the small belly bump.

'the doctor is surprised that my bump is a bit bigger then many other women at 12 weeks, but he said it can happen and its nothing to worry about..'

'it only ways about 14 grams right now, if you poke my stomach now the baby will move, but i can't feel anything yet because of the size'.

'we can find out if its a little girl or a little boy in 6-8 weeks, but im not sure if you want to know so we'll have to discuss it. I think i want to know.. just so we can be prepared for the little bundle of joy when it arrives.'

i give his hand a squeeze, laying my head down on the side of the bed. my body jolts up when the door swings open, 'Hey darling' Breezie smiles softly, i give her a smile in return, 'you need to go home and get some sleep, hun. Im going to stay here tonight incase he wakes up' she speaks.

'your dont have to do that, im fine sleeping here again' i reply, she shakes her head. 'Honey your pregnant, this isn't good for you, i want you to go home, get some proper food into yourself and that little baby and get a good nights rest, i dont want you here till lunch time tomorrow.' she states.

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