The car crash that changed lives -Part 7

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I sit down at the table with everyone else and we talk for a little then they ask if there is anything from my sisters/Kanes house that is Layla's. I say I don't really know what's there, so they tell me to make a list of what I have at my house and we can go from there.

My house

- High chair



-minimal clothing

-toys (books, walkers, soft toys etc)

-a carrier 

We decide that we will need to get her actual cot, her clothes, toys, change table and pretty much everything. I'm going to get a bunch of different incomes including: childcare payments, parenting payment, a youth allowance and a few more. We discuss the rest of my plans such as how I'm going to keep my house and go to school.

We finish around 2:30 pm and have deiced on a few things;

- For the house, I'm going to live there with Layla and just try my best to pay for it, which shouldn't be too hard when I get all of my money sorted from the Government, I'm going to get a job and if needed I can rent out the spare room to someone since its a 3 bedroom house and a 15year old and 10month old are living by themselves.

- For school, I'm going to take Layla with me, till I can find a childcare for the rest of the days where m school childcare isn't running. They already called my school and I have a meeting on Monday before school with my Deputy principal.

-For dance, I'm just going to have to take Layla with me and get others to play with her or I'm going to have to multitask. 

- And getting the stuff from Kanes we are going to go tomorrow and they are supplying moving trucks for me since they feel bad for me but I don't mind.

We say goodbye and walk down to a little cafe just down the road. I walk and go to order when I realise that I use to go to primary school with the girl working in there. She does a double take and we do that awkward hi and then she notices Layla, 'Is that your baby?' she says shocked, 'Well technically she's my sisters but I'm her legal guardian since my sister and parent both passed away and her Dad is a bad person, so I suppose yeah that my baby'. I get Layla out of the pram and introduce her, we stand and talk for a bit before another customer lines up so I order and go sit down. I find a seat in the corner where Layla can get out and play on the floor but not crawl away or be a trip hazard. My order arrives and we sit for a bit.

After a long time just sitting there we leave, we go for a quick wander through the shops before the bus arrives. When we get on the bus there aren't any pram/disabled seats, the people sitting on one side of them are elderly so I let them be but on the other side, it's just a group of teenagers who clearly don't need them. I ask them to move nicely they just.......... 

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