Sherry Thought

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I sat down beside Jalal phuppa who held his face in distress.

"Phuppha,"I said, my voice cracking.

He looked up, his face unchanged. "Sherryaar," his voice weak. "Do you understand your mistake?"

I nodded my head vigorously, I knew I looked stupid, even though I tried showing showing some seriousness in my expression.

"Even though, you didn't do anything wrong," I was confused. He picked up a glass of water, I noticed he had the same narrow fingers as Kinza. "Look, you did what to save your life, these people are giving you galiyan like you did it on purpose, you left her on purpose, you didn't. You only saved yoour on life and it's the thought that counts remember." 

"Yes!" I said  a little happy, and loud.

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