CHAPTER 30- I Need To Stop Sinning.

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Drew and I went back to school that Monday, despite the events of Friday night. Jessie just stayed at Drew's house alone since Drew's parents work and his sister goes to school too.
Anyway, Drew and I met up with Summer and Micah before they opened the doors and discussed what had happened to the choroni. Apparently they hadn't let the news stations film the events and deleted all the footage, but everyone still knew about it. Classes were normal, and so was lunch. After school was pretty normal too.
I had taken to staring at Drew('s ass) to try to reduce my hormonal predicament, when he was facing away from me. It wasn't working too well.
Summer came up to me and whispered, "Hey, not to be weird or anything, but that banana in your jeans is really noticeable."
I looked down. "Oh. I didn't realize it was that. . . prominent?"
Summer rolled her eyes. "I would ask what gave you that, but the answer is obvious." She pointed to Drew standing with his back facing us, talking to Katie and some of her friends. "Honestly Vee, you should learn to control your gay lewd thoughts."
"Oh shut up," I mumbled. "I can't take care of it right now."

As soon as Drew and I got to his house I said, "Anybody need to use the bathroom in the next hour?"
Jessie looked up from the couch. "Nobody else is home yet asshat."
"Well in that case," I dropped my bag and walked down the hall. "I will see you all in an hour." With that I went into the bathroom and locked the door.

I looked at Jessie after Vee had locked himself in the bathroom. "Do I wanna know?"
"He's probably jacking off," Jessie replied nonchalantly.
I felt my face go red. "Yep. Thought I didn't wanna know." I had noticed that he was hard earlier; I just didn't say anything about it.


Later, around eight o'clock, I was sitting in Vee's lap leaning against his bare chest, reading while he stroked my hair. His breathing was slow, which told me that he was in the process of falling asleep. I looked up at his face; he smiled sleepily at me and kissed my forehead. I smiled back and closed my book, setting it on my nightstand and getting off of him so that he can lie down.
Once he had lay down I flicked the light off and curled up next to him, putting my head on his chest. He never sleeps, so this was good.

Theo and Katherine has been going around town at night, finding safe houses for the choroni. I'd told Theo about Drew, and that that's where I think Vee and Jessie went, so that he didn't send out more search teams.
The safe house for our and Anna's family was with an old woman named Mrs. Brown. She thought the whole discrimination against us was bogus and let us use half of her house. There were only three rooms, so me and Anna shared a room, Mom, Dad, and Anna's dad shared a room, and Vee and Jessie would share a room. Anna's dad usually slept on the couch though.
I had planned to go with Theo tomorrow to Drew's house to at least make sure Vee and Jessie were there. I just hope they are.

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