CHAPTER 13- Food. I'm Hungry.

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I spent three more days in the infirmary, just gaining weight and waiting for the food I ate to replenish nutrients to my muscles so I could walk again. Then I had crutches for a little bit just as an extra precaution in case my legs gave out suddenly. I spend two days lounging around the den with Mom, eating a ton and wandering aimlessly around the halls just to test my legs. By noon that second day I didn't need the crutches anymore.
I kept AceWrap bandages around my chest and neck. They were supposed to sort of bind the scars so that they didn't stick out too much- visually and physically. My shoulder was no use bandaging, seeing as it wasn't a scar so much as a chunk of my skin ripped off. I still took painkillers, every morning and with meals. Not as an addiction thing, but because the scars still hurt a ton and it was easier to use the stronger stuff that was just a pill three times a day than take Tylenol or something every hour. Monday was when I was allowed back to school.
To state this nicely, that Monday was a literal living Hell. Everywhere I went someone was asking me if I was alright, or how I was doing. I mean, it's great that people actually care, but it got annoying after a while. I was pretty sure the school had paid the news reporters to stay off the property too.
Drew and Summer never left my side that day. Even during hallway rush hour from third period to lunch, they didn't leave. (Even though Drew may have had to cling to my arm to avoid being trampled.)
But one thing bothered me. Seth wasn't there. He didn't show up until that Thursday.
That Thursday, it was after school had gotten out when I noticed Seth. He was with his gang of supporters, per usual. At first I thought that I must've just been paranoid; there was no way that Seth was the one that attacked me. Then I saw the thin white scar that ran down his cheekbone and thought otherwise.
Thankfully he didn't confront me, so I didn't confront him. But I was still uncomfortable.

Sorry for two short chapters in a row. I promise I will make this next one a bit longer.
Let's hope that writer's block doesn't kick me before then.
- Snake Eyes

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