CHAPTER 36- I Have A Stalker.

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I wanted to tell Jessie what had happened with Seth in the alley; I really did. But there were two problems: A), I knew that he may not like that I was (maybe?) dating a werewolf, and B) because I believe that Seth would actually carry out his threat.
I tried to half forget about what had happened for school the next day, but it didn't exactly work. First of all, cuz he's in five of my classes. Second, any time I would glance at him, he was watching me. I managed not to reveal it to everyone by the end of the day, thankfully.
I was starting to walk home; since Drew and I had broken up I haven't been hanging out with Summer after school. I mean, we're still friendly and make small talk in the hallway.
Once I was three blocks away from the school, I heard someone walking behind me and inwardly sighed.
"Again Seth?" I turned around, looking at him. "Haven't you stalked me enough this week?"
He gave me a mocking pout. "Aw, what, you don't enjoy my presence?"
"It's not that," I said. "I just don't enjoy you stalking me all the time. You could just, you know, ask me to hang out sometime."
"Was that an invitation?" He smirked. I rolled my eyes and started walking again. A second later I was pushed against a wall.
"Don't walk away from me," Seth said lowly into my ear, his hand on my collarbone, above the scars across my chest but still away from my neck.
"Why not?" I said, managing a smirk at him. "Miss me already?"
He glared at me. Then we were kissing. It was the same as the first one; rough and full of lust. It didn't take long before it was a full on make out session, Seth pinning me against the wall and gripping my hair. He drove his knee into my crotch and I yelped, resulting in his teeth connecting with my bottom lip.
He lifted me up on his knee so my neck was even with his face. He started kissing my neck equally as roughly, biting my sweet spot. We both breathed heavily, and I moaned when his teeth hit my neck.
"This is between us, okay?" Seth panted at me, taking a quick break before attacking my throat again.
"Uh-huh," I tilted my head up so he had better access to my neck, panting as well.
"Nobody can know," he growled a little, licking the mark he must've left on my sweet spot.
"Okay," I nodded a little. He trailed up to nip my jaw before setting me on my feet again and pulling away. I panted, managing to stand on my own.
Suddenly he grabbed my jaw. "Right here, same time tomorrow." He said, then disappeared.
'Sweet baby Jesus.'

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