CHAPTER 6- Remembrance.

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"I'M SURE most of you have already heard," Principal Kayne said at the beginning of the assembly after he'd finally gotten everyone to stop talking, sadness in his face, "that someone that should be here was recently possibly lost."
I looked at Drew beside me, and the look on his face confirmed that we were both thinking the same thing. The same person. Other people in the crowd also whispered and looked at Drew or looked at each other knowingly.
"This assembly is to honor him," the principal continued sadly. "As if he was lost. This was him before the attack occurred," a picture of Octaveus's face was projected on the screen behind the principal. It was probably taken off of his driver's license, because he wasn't smiling (though even if it wasn't from his license, he probably wouldn't have smiled). His black hair was completely covering the left side of his face, but in the picture his hair was slightly shorter, curling outward less at his jaw and neck than it did now. He was wearing the same black-and-dark-green baseball cap backwards that he always wore to school, his yellow eyes shadowed by his hair and his vampiric pale skin looking even more pale. The picture was only from the shoulders up, but I could tell that he was also wearing his Fall Out Boy jacket and family pendant.
"This was him four days ago," Principal Kayne clicked over to the next slide and there were horrified gasps throughout the body of students and teachers gathered. This picture also showed Octaveus, but much differently. A man with a thin brown beard and ocean blue eyes was carrying him, another man with messy brown hair and amber eyes behind them. Both men's arms, hands, and shirts were stained blood red, and the man carrying Vee was looking down at him in his arms. The most horrific part of the picture was Vee; his head hung backward limply and there was a river of blood coming from the corners of his open mouth. The sides of his neck were ripped open and pouring blood onto the man's arms, along with his chest and right shoulder. His eyes were open, but completely white. His clothes were completely soaked in red. Even the photos that had gotten into the news hadn't been this horrifying.
Drew's breath got caught in his throat and tears welled in his eyes. He closed his eyes and buried his face in my shoulder, his shoulders shaking. I just stared at the picture, and I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed when tears began to run down my cheeks.

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