CHAPTER 40- S'arrêter.

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Honestly, I'm surprised Jessie even let me pierce my lip and nose. I've wanted snake bites for a while, he knew that. But I didn't expect him to let me get them.
Mom and Dad were not happy when they saw the studs, but I don't care. (I had to leave the studs in for a few weeks until I could take them out and put in the rings.)
I don't know why, but I've been feeling really lonely lately. I mean, I have a boyfriend again; I'm with Seth all the time. But I'm still lonely. I have a feeling I know why. But I refuse to believe it.

Vee came over to my house again; my parents were still hunting.
   We sat on the couch, watching a movie. Well, half of a movie. Vee got on my lap halfway through and we were making out the rest. By the time the movie was over, I had Vee pinned to the couch and we were both shirtless and kissing hard. I drove my knee into Vee's crotch and he moaned, so I did it again.
    He panted into my mouth as my hands snaked down to his jeans and unzipped them, pushing them to the floor. I immediately attacked his neck with bites while my hands traced his bulge.
   "Seth," Vee moaned. "S-stop. . ." Though he said it, he made no move that agreed with what he had just said.
   "Your body doesn't seem to agree with that command," I whispered, cupping his bulge and squeezing it through his underwear. He whined.
   "S'arrêter. . ." He said as my hands grabbed the waistband of his underwear. I slowly started to push them down.
   Suddenly Vee's foot connected with my shoulder hard, and he yelled "S'ARRÊTER SETH!"
   "OW!" I immediately got off of him and out of range, rubbing my shoulder. Vee's face was red.
   "I said no!" He said in English.
   "Well sorry I don't speak French!" I retorted.
   "I said it in English!" He snarled back.
   "Well maybe next time you should actually do something other than go along until the last minute, feebly pleading!" I growled.
   He bared his teeth at me. "Who said there would even be a next time?!"
   I scoffed. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
   "Maybe this was a mistake." Vee said, getting up. "We do not go well together." He started putting his pants back on.
   "No kidding." I snorted. "Maybe you should go back to dominating the Asian. At least you could hold that for a couple months, before he left you."
   Vee glared at me, and put his shirt on. "Goodbye Seth." Then he left.

~ Snake Eyes

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