CHAPTER 33- What. The Actual. F-.

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Vee was gladly doing better. It's been about a week since I had to get him an IV. His skin is back to its normal color; I know his sleeping isn't any better, but at least he's eating again.

I walked back to the house after school, taking my time. It was already getting dark, the sky beginning to be littered with stars. I got a creeping feeling that I was being watched, but didn't turn around to see. The last time I had done that. . .
   Suddenly I heard footsteps and whipped around. It was none other than Seth, the notorious werewolf and apparently also stalker.
   "What do you want?" I growled at him.
   He merely shrugged at me. "You looked lonely," he said, sneering at me.
   I rolled my eyes at him and continued walking, but suddenly I was pushed to the ground and rolled onto my back. Seth crouched over me on the ground, his face inches from mine.
   "Don't ignore me." He said, his face dangerously close to mine.
   I thrashed. "Get off." I growled.
   He pressed the rest of his body against me, making it almost impossible for me to move. I still tried to anyway. I thrashed again, pushing my legs and hips up to try to shake him. He grunted and dug his knee between my legs. I yelped and brought my knee up into his crotch. He moved off of me quickly, but not before I felt something.
   I sat up and stared at him. He stared back, looking just as shocked as I was. And more embarrassed.
   "Wh-What the. . ."
   "I-I'm sorry. . ." Seth got to his feet, then disappeared into the shadows. I just sat there for a minute, processing what had happened.
   'Did-Did he just get a boner from me??'

"Damn," Jessie said after I'd told him the story of what had happened with Seth. "You, little bro, have got a werewolf chasing your tail."
   "Don't remind me," I sighed, laying on my back on my bed.
   "What are you gonna do?" He asked, grabbing a slice of deer meat from the plate on his lap and eating it.
   "I don't know," I shrugged. "As far I know, he's straight. I mean, word would've gotten round if he had any one night stands or anything romantic with guys."
   "You do make a fair point." He gestured at me with the deer meat. "But then again, a straight guy wouldn't get a hard on from another guy."
   "Ugh I don't know what to do." I covered my face with my hands.
   "Do you like him?"
   "Well, I guess," I said. "I mean, the only interaction we've had is him trying to tear my face off."
   "That is not a good start to any sort of relationship," Jessie said.
   "But I mean he's handsome, but I don't really know anything about his personality besides. . . anger."
   "Well, at least you know something about his personality." Jessie said, and I smirked at him through my hands.
   "So what's your plan?" Jess said. "Wait for him to make a move?"
   "Yeah I guess. We'll see what happens and where it goes."

Sorta cliffhanger! Please comment how you think Vee and Seth's relationship will end up!
~Snake Eyes

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