" Rob will instruct the arrangement for the party " My Mom instructs.
My Mom leaved the restaurant after instructing the basic arrangements.
" Tomorrow is Sunday. We planned to zoo. Don't say to me that you forget about it" Aly argued.
" Ofcourse I don't. We make the arrangements by today night. We can go for zoo and we return before half an hour from the party. I planned it." I replied.
" Are you sure ? " Aly asked in doubtful.
" Sure " I grinned.
We started to work on my time. I asked Aly to stay in my home tonight. So she called her Mom to inform. After completed the arrangements we locked the door. Aly suggested to go the lake which is in the middle of the woods. We sometimes used to go their usually daytime but now almost dark. She threatened me. If I don't accompain, she will go alone. So no other option left for me. I go with her.
We parked our car where we usually used to park. We used are phone torch because it was really dark in the woods.
" I wish we don't want to be the prey for the predators " I said in fear.
" You won't " Aly laughed.
We reached the lake. There is a small cabin, when we came here last time We hide some blanket , so we can use when we come here. I helped Aly to spread the blanket. She gathered some log and woods , and light the fire on them by using match. We sit on blanket and observing the sounds around the woods.
" Are you hungry ? " Aly asked.
" No " I replied.
" Then okay I will eat the everything left in my bag "
" What ? "
" Yeah I packed some food from kitchen before we leave from the restaurant "
" You planned it. Right ? "
" Ofcourse I can. You are smart enough to plan for the party and zoo. Why can't me ? "
We started laughing on each other and eat the packed foods. Atlast ended up in the sleeping in the middle of the woods near the lake.
I waked up by the early morning bright light. When I see next to Aly is sleeping like a little girl. When I saw the time it's 6:10 am. So I waked her.
" Good morning" we both grinned.
She yawned and stood up moved near to the lake.
" Carmel see this " she shouted.
So I rushed to her to see what makes her to shout but it was a prank. She pushed in the lake and jumped herself.
" Why did you do that ? " I asked.
" For fun " she laughed.
We urged to the car with the wet clothes. When we reached home, I think my parents are still sleeping. So we make to my silently. We changed our clothes and cleaned the floor. I made note on WE ARE GOING TO ZOO TO ENJOY WEEKEND BUT I ASSURE WE WILL BE TIME FOR THE PARTY. I sticked it on fridge . While driving, I thought that she will not be with for another weekend because she is moving UCLA on coming Friday. When she saw my face, I think she found the sadness in my face. So she make some creepy jokes and trying to make me laugh. She won I laughed for her creepy jokes.
When I parked the car on the lot, she shouts like the Tarzan and I joined her. We entered the zoo both shouting like Tarzan. When we asked for two tickets in the counter, the woman smiled on us.
" You both people bought today's first ticket " she handed our tickets and wished us " Have a nice day girls. Enjoy yourself ".
The woman in the counter make both of us happy. We saw every animals in the zoo and took some pictures and selfies. We are hungry cause we skipped our breakfast so we sit on the cafeteria and ordered sandwich and soft drinks. When we finished our lunch, the time 1:40 pm.
" It's time to leave " I said.
" No, Please. Ten minutes " she pleased.
" Okay"
We walked slowly to the exit gate.
" It's my turn to drive " she said.
" No. I am not allow you to drive. You drive like crazy. So No " I replied.
" Then okay. Who will reach the car first. They allowed drive back home deal ? " She challenged.
" Deal" I said.
We both running like crazy to reach the car. I touched the car first so I win. But I gave the car key to drive. She smiled at me. Her crazy driving ended in our restaurant. We reached the restaurant on time as I planned. We started to arrange the tables. Aly tasted every food. She gave me thumbs up. So probably the party will be awesome. My dad arrived in with the cardboards and some of our school cheer girls followed him.
" Honey, the girls will instruct you to place the boards. Aly, Help them. " my dad said.
The posters and cardboards are about VANESSA WHITMAN. She is the cheerleader captain and student body president on our year. She proposed Lucas and tried to kiss him when Lucas and Amy were together. This is not only reason for we hate her. She when we were junior year, she made a slut list on among the students in our grade in which she gave the first place for me and Aly. When I and Aly run for student body president and vice President, she spoiler our every camp. She illtreats everyone in the school. And the main thing is we don't like her. I am sure if we know this party is far Vanessa. We don't make it especially Aly, she even don't move a glass of water. She gave me an angry look. In front of my parents, we can't offend them and we can't defend ourselves. So we placed the posters and cardboards. Everywhere I can Vanessa's face which irritates both of us. All I can say to Aly and myself " Don't get mad ".
Every students in our grades were invited to this party. But particularly popular kids. My parents called us out.
" Actually we are leaving kids. Hope, you both handle this. " They said and leave us alone with these devils.
" I am going home. I can't even breathe in the middle of the savages " Aly scowled at me.
" Leaving me in the middle of the savages alone. How can I handle this with you Aly ? " I cried.
" Whoa. Don't cry infront of them. They will thinks us as a prey " she shouts.
" Okay. I won't cry. Will you be with me tonight ? " I pleased.
" I think I don't have other option " she laughed.
We headed to the party. We can handle them or may be Aly planned to revenge on them cause I can see a evil on her face. We headed straight to kitchen and decided to eat some food.
We take charges in our places. I will be in the system and she will in the food court. When Mike Twill entered the Restaurant, everyone in the party started to howling his name. But his eyes is searching someone probably I know who it is. So I run to Aly but she is not in the food court. And headed to the kitchen. She is eating icecream without me. How can she do that ?
I grabbed the icecream Bowl from her and I started to eat it.
" Hey ! It's mine " Aly shouts.
" Mike Twill is here now. " I sighs.
" I will not go to the party especially I can't stand in the food court. Hugh " she scowled.
" Okay. We both can take charge in the system. Deal? " I asked.
" Deal " she sighs.
We went to party and take charges in the system. Now Mike grows bigger with a smile. He walk towards us.
" Hey girls. Can anyone of you change the song cause this one is so boring " he said with a grin.
" I think Aly will help you. " I said. I pushed Aly to front.
" What kind of songs do you want ? " She almost shouts at him.
" Party songs " he replied.
I try to give them personal space but Aly found it and she turned to me.
" Is there any party songs in your playlist? " Aly asked.
" No I don't " I replied.
" So we play the songs what we have. Just move from here or I will cut your ears " she shouts.
He walked towards the football gang and joined them. Now I was in trouble. She turns to me. I thought she is going to shout at me instead she is pleasing me. She told that when she saw him, her heart was speeding up so fast as well as her breathe. And pleased me to not live her in the situation again. I promised her I won't. Now I can see a relief on her.
" Oh ! There is uninvited guests for my party. " Vanessa laughs at us.
" Actually we work here " I hesitates.
" Oh! Don't be silly. I know you both want to enjoy my party. I know it " Vanessa smirks.
" Hey! Vanessa. I think you forgot that you standing in her place. She is the boss now " Aly grins.
" What ? " Chorus of grips behind Vanessa.
" I know. Her father was really worried about the her college admission rejection. She can't make a way to college. Don't worry if you need any help, you can ask me. Cause my father knows some people in UC Berkeley " she smirks.
She moved to the party and climbed up on one table. She confronts everyone that she got admission in UC Berkeley and now everyone started to shout her name.
" I think her father helped her in the admission " Aly smirks at Vanessa.
" Can we go to Lake tonight ? " I asked.
" Sure. We can. I will pack some food for us. I will call my home and say them that I will stay in your place " she excites.
When she check her phone, it was died already. So I wave her my phone. She grabbed it and went out cause this place was sounds loud. I took her phone and connects it in the charger. I am wondering on Everyone around me enjoying the party. But I can't even able make a fake smile. Why this all happening ? I was drowning in my worries. Aly rushed to open the door . When our face meets each other, I was so confused why she so happy ?
Whether Mike kissed her again ? Yeah Probably it is.   

PEOPLES I MET IN 3 YRS : PART 1Where stories live. Discover now