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       My first morning in Irvine, I wake up and grabbed my towel to shower. I went to bathroom with brushing sleepy eyes. After the shower, I wrapped the towel around me and went to my room. I closed the door to change the dress. But I took my phone  and play some songs. I started to dance. I almost forgot that I am in Irvine and staying in Waller's house. Suddenly, a boy equal to my age cracks opened the door.
" Turn off the song " He shouts.
  I tried to hide myself by opening the wardrobe.
" Don't you have any manners. You have to knock before you open the door. " I yells.
   But he ignored me and grabbed my phone. I ran to get my phone which makes both of them to fall on the floor. Now he is on the floor and I am almost above him. My hair is still wet so dropping the water on his face. When our eyes together, we locked in the same position for few seconds. Nobody song is playing now. But he hit the pause. And turned the position. Now I am on the floor and he is hovering above me.
" This is not your home. Your are just a guest here. Don't forget it " he shouts on my face.
He stand on his own and left me on the floor. He throws my phone on bed and slammed the door to close.
  Who is he ? Why he was so rude ? But he said the truth that it is not my home which makes to remind myself everytime. He was really arrogant.
  I wear a t-shirt and shorts. I makes my way to breakfast. Annie is cooking for us in the kitchen so I decided to help her . When I entered the kitchen,  I wished her good morning.
" I am really sorry for Kevin. He is my elder son" She apologies.
" No. I am sorry. I totally forgot that now I was in Irvine " I apologise her.
" Can I help you to make breakfast ? " I adds.
" Pleasure" she smiles.
   We arranged the breakfast in the dining table. She ran through the kitchen again and came to gave me the spare key. When I filled my plate with sandwich. The rude boy came down and sitting in front of me. He filled his glass of juice and sipping it without seeing me.
" Kevin, she is Carmel " Annie introduces me.
" What is her name ? Camel " He laughs.
" It's Carmel " I smirks.
" Or you can call her Caramella " Annie adds.
" I don't want to see her again " he shouts and went back to upstairs.
" I apologise him Carmel " Annie sighs.
" It's okay. Everyone pronounce my name wrong " I pretend to smile.
" When you are leaving for Los Angeles ? " I asks to avoid the talk.
" Thanks for the reminder. I almost forgot the planned. "
  She rushed to her room. I eat my sandwich with few sips of juice. She dressed so neat and smiled at me.
" can do me a favour ?  Check Gary. His room is in the right corridor. He always skips breakfast. And importantly, Don't let Gary and Kevin into fight. " She pleased.
" Okay. Sure " I replied.
She wave me a bye and headed to Los Angeles.
  I went upstairs to check Gary. He was still sleeping. I waked him and he ignored me. He reminds me Aly. Atlast he waked up, but he shouts at me leave his room right now. As he said, I leaved his room. When I am on my way to my room, the Rude Kevin is standing and laughing which makes me anger. He went to his room which oppositely directed from my room.
I went to my room and fall on the bed. And then I decided to arrange this room similar to my room in California. It was lunch time. So I went down for lunch where I saw Gary is sitting in the sofa and playing his video game and Kevin is surfing on TV. When I went to kitchen to check the food, but no sandwich is left . I think they both eat it. So I decided to cook and asks their opinion.
" What do you... guys... Want for lunch ? " I stutters.
Both of them didn't reply to question so I decided to cook Noodles and soup. I searched the needed things and  started to cook. After finishing my Cooking, I place them on the dinning table whether if they want to eat , they don't need to search the food in the kitchen.
When I finished my lunch, the calling bell sounds. Kevin rushed to open the door, I found that it was a pizza delivery. The delivery man handed him two pizza with coke drinks. He paid him and closed doors. Gary and Kevin enjoys their pizza but they didn't even touch my food. So I went to my room, decided not to leave before dinner. Without my knowledge, I started to sleep. The Noisy sound blasting my ears when I woke up. So I went to check what happening in the house. I can see a boys and girls with red cups everywhere. It was a party. Gary is playing video games with a group of boys and Kevin is nowhere. I feel like hungry so I went to kitchen and started to warm the noodles and soup for me in microwave oven.
" Hey ! Are you new here ? " A boy asked me from behind.
" Yeah. I am California " I replied.
" Can join with us " he grabbed my hand and leading to the group of people with Kevin in the lawn.
" Hey ! Chris. What are doing with her ? " asks Kevin.
   This boy name Chris. Pretty name for a handsome boy. He still holding my hand. But I stand in silence cause I don't know this people. So what may be I can do ?
" Do you know her ? " Chris smiles.
" Yup. She is living as a guest in my home and her name is Camel" Kevin smirks. Everyone in the group is laughing.
" It's Carmel. Caramella " I corrects.
" Nice name. Nice to meet you Carmel " Chris smiles at me.
" Nice to meet you too" I smiles to Chris.

  " Why just can't you go back to your room now ? " Kevin shouts.
" What's your problem now ? " I yells.
" You. Just go back to your room "
" Relax Kevin " Chris urges.
" Fine. I really don't like to be on party        "I shouts.
        I walk to kitchen and grabbed the food from oven. I went upstairs to my room by carrying the food and locked my room cause who know any drunkard person will enter my room. So I don't want to give any options for it.
   Aly called me in Skype. So we chat a long till we sleep. After I woke up, I went down. Some people were still sleeping in the living room. Everyone is so drunk even the room smells like alcohol. I clean the dishes and plate which I used for noodles and soup. I went back to my room cause today is Sunday. I don't want to spend my time in this house especially not with Kevin. I showered myself and dressed in the bathroom. Back in my room, I packed my bag and hurried to get out from here. But I heard a knock in my door. I opened it. It was Kevin. What is he doing here ? Why he is here?
   " What do you want ? " I asks.
" Nothing. " He replies and went back to his room. He slammed the door so fast. So I can't even talk back to him. I went out and get in my car but I got a call from Amy. She told me to make familiar with the streets before tomorrow and gave some advices for college. After we hang up, I saw my bike is leaning on the other side of my car. I changed my plan and took my bike. By using GPS navigation, I reached UCI within fifteen minutes. In GPS, I saw a Park which a street away from UCI. I decides to go there. It was really a quiet place. I sit on a bench under the tree and took my notebook from bag. I write every words of Amy so I don't forget it and starts to make a plan for tomorrow. I don't want to late  on my first day. My class starts from 8:30 am so I have to be there before 8:10. I draw a timeline for my work.
I will wake up on five and study till six. I will shower, get ready and prepare my breakfast and lunch before 7:30. I will leave the Waller's home on 7:30. After completed my notes, I set my reminders. So I can't forget it.  It's lunch time now. I went to the Mall near the park. In the cafeteria, I ordered Hamburger and fries which reminds me Aly. So I called Aly and we talk about everything about Kevin, She advised me to ignore him. So he don't again bother me. Amy and Aly is the best people and makes me relieve from every sort of problem. We hang up the call. I tour myself around the Mall. It's already dark outside. So I ride the bike to home. When I am on the way to home, Kevin stopped me.
" I thought you went back to California " He laughs.
   I decided to follow Aly. I ignored home and went to my room. I changed my dress into pajamas. While I am brushing my teeth, Again Kevin entered the bathroom.
" Can you leave the bathroom ? " He asks.
But I ignored him again. He turned his back to me and unzipped his pant.
" Wait " I shouts.
I hurried to wash my mouth and went my room. He don't feel shy to unzip his pant infront of me. Actually he turned his back, so I didn't see him which makes me relief. I went to sleep cause tomorrow is my first day for college. I have to wake up before five.

PEOPLES I MET IN 3 YRS : PART 1Where stories live. Discover now