But she moved to the party. She climbed up on the table like Vanessa. What she probably going to do ?
" Everyone attention please " she shouts with a huge smile.
My eyes started to search Mike who is looking at her and flushing. Probably something happened between them. Whether he proposed her ? So she is confronting about it to everyone. Or she making Vanessa to be jealous on her about the Mike's proposal.
" I'm here. Standing in front of everyone To share my happiness with you all " she shouts.
I guess I am right. But I think I am not Now I can see shock reaction on Mike's face. What she want to share with everyone ?
" My one and only best friend Caramella Peachmen got her admission on UCI. She is going to make her way on college " she finishes.
What I got admission in college ? Oh my god ! I feel like fainting now. Everyone in the party is clapping for me. Vanessa yelling at everyone one to stop clapping. Aly winks at me and raised her thumbs up. Aly give me a long warm hug.
" I know you will do it " she cheers.
" Are you sure ? Don't prank on it " I cried.
She showed my phone. When I saw the mail. I really can't believe it. I got admission in UCI. I grabbed Aly arm and started to jumping. Now she is too jumping with me. I asked when it happens ? .she started to explain that after she hang up the call of her Mom. She saw a mail on my phone with the UCI symbol and it is about my Admission in UCI. When I urged to call parents, she grabbed my phone and hang up the call.
" Hey! Did you do that ? " I shouts.
" Say in front of them and we can see their reaction. And I am sure your Mom gonna cry when she hear it " Aly explains.
I accepted her plan and we wait till the party ends. But only one is not leaving. Mike Twill is just waiting to talk to Aly. I knew it this gonna happen. But we ignored him. We started to clean the place and arranging the tables and chairs. He offered me to help. I am not gonna offend him cause I want to clean this place as soon as possible and want to go home.
We three cleaned the place and arranged everything properly around as so fast than I imagine. Now for the first time in this month being really happy. Mike asked me to help him. I am going helping him just not because he offered to clean because he is a nice guy and more than Aly likes him. So I nodded to help him.
He told to me to ignore everythings around me for five minutes. But I confronted him only for five minutes and the next minute that I will move with her from this place. He thanked me and run out to chase Aly.
Approximately after five minutes, I locked the door and called Aly .
" What he said to you ? " I asked.
" He said he likes me " she smiles.
" What you said to him? " I asked in curious.
" I just stand simply in silence " she blushs.
" That boy. Almost the five minutes for just standing with in silence. I can't understand him " I sighs.
" Do you like him or not ? " I asked.
" Ofcourse I will him. He was so cute " she blushs again.
" Then say to him. Go now " I ordered.
" But he is so walking fast. I don't think I catch him. " She sighs.
" Then run to catch him " I shouts.
I pushed her towards the direction of Mike and waved her to run. She start a headstart and shouting his name.
" Hey ! What happen ? Is anything wrong ? " Mike questions.
" Yeah! Carmel's car is not starting. Can you check on it ? " She replied.
I gave a anger look on her. She apologized by nodding her head. Mike asked my car keys. So I gave my keys. He starts my car's and ofcourse he found nothing is problem in my car. I can see it on his face.
" It's working now " he says.
" Yeah I can see it " I sighs.
" Thanks Mike " Aly says with a fake smile.
" Okay see you later guys. Have safe driving " he concludes.
" Mike just wait " Aly shouts.
" Okay " Mike sighs.
When he completes, Aly jumps on him and kissed him. I appreciates her move. She ends it in a minute. It was a small kiss.
" I like you Mike " she answers.
Atlast Mike hears it from Aly. I think this moment everyday after he kissed Aly. Now he started to kiss her back.
Without my knowledge I am picturing them. I want Aly to remember this moment.
" Hey new lovebirds! It's time to home " I shouts on both of them.
When I starts the car, she climbed the passenger seat with her blushing cheeks and Mike was standing on that place like statue. I think he frozen by this moment.
We reached home yet Aly is still blushing. She is beautiful when she was blushing. So I didn't disturbed her. I trying to unlock the front door. Suddenly she shouts.
" Where are we now ? "Aly shouts.
" In front of the door not in front of Mike" I shouts.
I think we waked up my parents from their sleep. My Mom opened the front door and allowed us in. My dad is rubbing his eyes in half sleep as like as my Mom. They started to question about the party. Whether anyone got into fight or broke the tables and chairs?
" The party was awesome and the tables are fine. No one got into fight " I answered their questions.
" Everything is fine. Just listen to her" Aly sighs.
I opened the mail and show them .
" I got admission in UCI " I shouts with smile.
My Mom starts to hug me. My Dad's eyes started to shed tears. We thought my Mom would cry but she is smiling so happy. Instead my dad crying.
And Aly picturing it.
" I am going call Amy " My Dad says.
" Yeah we call her on Skype " Aly says.
Everyone sitting infront of Laptop just waiting for Amy to attend the call. When she attended the call she thought it was emergency call she wondering about what happen here ? I replied that I got admission in UCI.
" I will there on friday, wait for me " Amy grinned.
After enjoying a happy moments, today is very special for Me and Aly.
I am going sleep for real without worrying. It is the only thing is left for me today.

PEOPLES I MET IN 3 YRS : PART 1Where stories live. Discover now