Chapter Three betch

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All I could do was stare at him; it's him. Alex.

"Oh hey." I said walking out the door to stand face to face to him. Sweet Jesus he's beautiful.

"I just came to check up on you." He said. He was looking at me, right in the eyes. It's so intense.

"Oh thank you. Yeah I'm okay." I played with my hair because wow I'm like fangirling.

"Doctor Asswhipe said you were almost raped so I went to the place where I found you and turns out an old fart was following you. He said you came from a Bring Me The Horizon concert. Yeah I went there too anyway, I went to the car park and um. I found his guy and he came up to me, holding his eye. He was like screaming where is she and shit and I asked if he was looking for a girl named Allie and um yeah..." Alex trailed off, now avoiding eye contact. I lightly held his hand encouraging him to continue.

"So um, I uh, I bashed him. Then my friend, William, stopped me right before I could break his boney ass." Alex had so much anger in his eyes; they flickered back to mine.

"Oh." Was all I could say, I was so overwhelmed.

"So is that how Robert got arrested?" I asked after a moment of just staring at one another. We were still kind of holding hands. Neither of us let go and it was just so intense. I could feel my heart rate increase as each second went by.

"Yeah. William said to stop and like he called the police and then we went to the hospital. I don't want to sound like a creep but you mean something to me." Alex said, when he said that I could feel my heart bursting out of my chest. Holy fuck.

"I-I do?" I stuttered.

"You probably think I'm a nut job." He said softly and looked down at the ground releasing my hand. I felt empty without his touch. Shit.

"No, no Alex. You're just, so intense and I kinda like it." I admitted. He blushed and looked at me again.

"Look after yourself okay. Dm me on Twitter and I'll give you my number but I gotta go to work." He left after saying that and I just stood there on the porch watching him get into his car and drive off.

Wow. How does he have that type of effect on me? I mean, wow. I went back inside and just fell on my bed and kept replaying our conversation. "You mean something to me" what does that mean? Like, how can I? I drifted off to sleep for like 2 hours and I could've sworn I heard his voice telling me to wake up but nope, it was just Emmalie.

"Allieeeeee!" Emmalie jumped on top of me whining.

"Ouch you dick! Get off!" I groaned in pain, her knees were digging into my ribs. I pushed her off.

"I'm bored." She stated and got off my bed and started to look through my wallet.

"So what do you want me to do about it?" I asked and got off the bed and snatched my wallet off her.

"Let's go to the movies! Maze Runner!" She proposed.

"No, I don't feel like going anywhere." I crossed my arms and walked into the kitchen to grab two Ice Coffees and throwing one to Emmalie.

"Fine then you slut. What should we do?" Emmalie sat on the stool across from me.

"Just talk and shit."

Emmalie and I spent the rest of the day talking about Alex and arguing over what band is better (Black Veil Brides or Bullet For My Valentine).

-Alex's P.O.V-

After I left Allie's house, I drove to work. But seriously I'm so fucking annoyed at myself, I had a chance to actually ask her to come with me to this shit place but no, I pussied out and now she's probably freaked out because I told her she means something to me. She does. Like I never felt this way before and the fucked up thing about it is that I hardly know her. I don't know, she just leaves me imagining all this shit about her. Like yeah I would bang her but that's not the point, she's just Allie. And that's so beautiful. I opened the doors into work and Jacob, my boss, asked me why I was late and I just made up a lame excuse of 'traffic'. He knows I'm bullshiting but no one really comes into this place. Then a woman walked in:

"Hey! I know you!" She yelled and walked to the counter.

"Um okay." I said and started to daydream about Allie...then it hit me. That's her mum.

"You're that kid who saved my daughter! Adrian? No. Adam! No that's not it! Ugh! It starts with an 'a' right?" She asked. Wow she's high. I can tell by the way her eyes wander to every corner of the room and how she's so hyper for a 50 something year old.

"Yeah, it's Alex." I mused, holy shit she looks like Allie but more run down.

"Oh thank you for saving my little Allison's life last night! You should come over for dinner! Okay I'm not taking no for an answer!" She demanded. My manager looked over at me and nodded.

"Yay it's settled come with me!" She dragged me out of the shop by the collar of my shirt.

"Um where are we going?" I asked really confused and getting into the car. Why am I even doing this? Fuck.

"Going to the mall to buy some groceries then going to my house to cook dinner." Allie's mum said and sped out of the car park of my work. Okay so since when did I start leaving my fucking car!

Her mum and I spent like an hour shopping and then we got into the car and headed for their house. Shit this is actually happening. Allie's going to think I'm some type of stalker.

"Allie I'm home and I brought a friend!" Her mum announced as we walked into their house, I was holding all of the groceries. Um since when do I help people?

-Allie's P.O.V-

Mum walked into the house and Alex was behind her holding the groceries!

"Um mum, who do you have there?" I asked, Emmalie whispered "he's hot" in my ear.

"Your little friend, Alex Ramond!" Mum said and hugged me weirdly and did the same to Emmalie. Wow she was high as fuck.

"Ramos." Alex corrected her and followed mum into the kitchen and winked at me.

I dragged mum to the living room leaving Emmalie and Alex awkwardly in the kitchen unpacking the groceries.

"Mum what the fuck?!"

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